Did you use a r3tarded version of chatgtp to write this or are you having a stroke?
Oh for sure. In a world where Blizzard regulates gold buying and most/all gold is clean, GDKP works great. The base system is an excellent concept.
It’s just the fact that gold buying is readily available for little consequence. You fix that variable and I think the “anger” for GDKP is greatly reduced.
The problem here is that you’re praising the benefits without recognizing the harm (an inherently selfish perspective). RMT = bad. GDKP → promotes RMT. Therefore GDKP = bad.
Does GDKP create a fun/fair raiding environment that people are satisfied with, generally in a vacuum? Yeah, sure, but that isn’t the whole story by a long shot. It’s a nuanced situation that requires more macro analytics of the games systems in tandem with one another (and properly taking in to account abusers of those systems).
Listen, no matter how many times this gets parroted, it’s simply impossible, and this isn’t even necessarily meant to play the Blizzard apologist. Gold farming orgs and the bots they use (or sometimes they don’t, many do it all raw and by hand too) are extremely difficult to diminish or keep down. I’m not saying Blizzard does the best job, but I give them at least an inkling of grace because quite frankly, I’ve never in my entire life played any MMORPG that has successfully eliminated third party RMT and currency markets. If I’ve never once experienced that sort of joy in any other game on the planet, I don’t know why I’m going to start expecting Blizzard is capable of the completely unprecedented.
Given that, arguments that hinge on deceptively mountainous tasks, worded in such flippant ways “just ban them all, ez” that completely ignores the complex difficulty of actually achieving such a thing are inherently disingenous.
Sure, personally I still think gold is way too transferrable and liquid for a loot system like this.
I’d prefer a built-in token based loot system that is 100% non-transferrable between characters.
That way you eliminate gold from the loot system entirely, it’s just based around who was in the raid and got credit for kills, essentially built-in DKP.
There’d be issue there too, but at least it’d be completely isolated and easier to manage compared to gold itself.
100%. A built in DKP system, and moving away from gold period, would get my vote. Solves so many issues.
Please try to take a minute to consider that some players use GDKPs to fund the activity they really enjoy - pvp.
We have an elegant system already, anything created specifically for raids is likely to be worse.
because that guy who bought gressil for 198,000g in that naxx gdkp did it just through questing, ah, and professions.
cough cough
I assume that when it comes to the vast majority of things I’m not all that unique. I won’t buy gold if GDKP exists. I won’t buy gold if GDKP doesn’t exist.
I also assume that for every opinion, perspective and value that I have there are those that do not share that or that may even completely oppose that.
So with that in mind, I would guess that most people who buy gold will probably buy gold with or without the existence of GDKP. This is because people who buy gold probably lack the integrity and the values which would prevent them from doing so.
So if you want to cure the disease I say attack the cause not the symptoms.
Cheap on Era!
You know that sometime naxx payout can be over 30k with bonus right? that’s only two months of payouts.
Sorry but you’re not going to convince me that even that gold was made through legitimate means either.
5 years of gold buyers and the bots that sell to them created it. (most of those players went to tbc, wotlk, then came back and bought tons of gold, then went to SoD, came back, and are now on fresh)
Then it got sucked up the GDKP players and went to the raiders, who play the game and don’t need to buy gold because it comes from payouts.
Not sure if you’re sarcastic or stupid but Gressil wasn’t bought on era and at the time of the purchase 200k gold was worth over 5k USD.
So no. It wasn’t ‘‘only two months of payouts’’.
The dude was a confirmed oiler.
I have no issues with GDKP if gold was obtained legally, but people like you are just the worst.
Given the existence of bots in fresh and SoD I’m very unconvinced of this. I’m unsure if GDKP increases the rates of RMT at all. While that makes sense on paper, I haven’t really seen it in action and I probably can’t and never will be able to because all I have without raw data is anecdotes.
I do find it very interesting, however, that Blizzard left out RMT as a reason for the fresh GDKP ban. Makes you wonder doesn’t it?
Maybe Blizzard is doing what they can. Maybe they’re not. I don’t care. I’ll keep my hopes and expectations the same. Maybe if more people shared these expectations we’d see some results.
How am I supposed to know he is referring to a specific sale?
I’ve been playing on Era raid group will see like 10 ish gressils per year.
Because nobody gives 2 flying fs about Gressil being sold on Era. He’s OBVIOUSLY referring to the Gressil that was sold on Gehennas for 2x gold cap which at the time was worth over 5k USD and the whole reason GDKPs became a thing to ‘‘talk about’’.
Sometimes rules exist simply because of bad actors who abuse the system. That’s just how societies work. You just have to trust that those rules are for the overall better, even if those rules mitigate aspects that you typically enjoyed because you, yourself, are not a bad actor.
Also, gold farming/bots existing in no-GDKP spaces does not therefore mean GDKP does not promote RMT. While causation is certainly questionable, based on what you’ve said yourself, correlation is essentially undeniable.
Those 2 modes do not generate much raw gold. As time passes, the gold is injected into the economy. The bot is a different problem.
Sure. So whether or not GDKP has a significant impact or any impact at all on RMT is uncertain. The only way we’d actually have any insight into this is if Blizzard releases the data they have on the matter. And I’d bet Sylvanas’ brazier they’ll never do that.
Stop being poor

You can’t farm consumables, because the nodes are camped by bots/gold sellers. It’s a viciois cycle.
Hmm - Did they fix this