Can someone explain why GDKP is so hated?

He can’t. He just wants to scream and be mad.

He thinks everyone else has the same schizo delusions and hatred to gdkps like he does, so he thinks if he just screams that we’re gold buyers Zaalg will come in and say “seethe gold buyers seethe” and everyone will clap.

He’s just the wow version of twitter.

Not a damn thing

He’s a coward just like you.

Imagine being so insecure and scared to even post on the toon you play on a video game forum.

Surely that transfers into irl.

You guys would prolly watch your wife get beat up by a dude then blame your wife so you didn’t have to fight.

Cowards tbh.

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Thanks for admitting the GDKP ban failed.

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other than what people may have already mentioned, but gdkp is all about min maxing.

They want a million warriors (all bis), 1 hunter, 1 lock, 5 mages (max) and healers (1 druid) and you need to have a lot of gold.

it doesn’t leave alot of flexibility and you’ll find it hard to break into raids without being either of the above.

LoL it’s always so amusing watching people who obviously have no clue how GDKP’s work complain about them.


i’m against the GDKP ban on the principle that blizzard should not be in the business of dictating how players choose to associate with each other :expressionless: that’s not their job.

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So you choose the GFYS option.

Later gator, I’m done with you yet again.


So you being an absolute moron doesn’t mean the GDKP ban failed.

It seems that the GDKP ban is working as intended.

No GDKPs are happening, and cheaters like you are pissed off posting and crying in the forums. I’d say it’s been a resounding success.

Makes sense after all I keep destroying you

Literally just playing chess with a pigeon. We make a move, you knock over the pieces and :poop: on the board then fly away like you did something lmao.

I know why you’re so mad. You know that even with a gdkp ban we’re still not going to go carry your dog self to free loot lmao.

I’ll take paypal though, don’t worry little bro, you can buy Gressil direct and still feel big and bad, it’ll just cost extra now.

If we didn’t come on the forums and give you something to respond to you would have absolutely nothing going on in your life and that just seems sad, so you are welcome!

You expect me to read all that?

You don’t have to, but I expect you to be intellectual enough to read a 2/3 minute read.

Sorry if I thought higher of yourself than you actually are.

I don’t think those are quite the same thing.

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It’s sentences like this that make your writing really horrid to read.

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No one else seems to have an issue with it.

Sounds like a you issue.


I mean if RMT and botting are still rampant and there’s no GDKP on fresh from launch well that proves even more definitively than it did in SoD that GDKP has nothing to do with RMT/botting and blizzard is just massively gaslighting it.

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“Hey guys I just want to make a post talking about how much I don’t like gdkps. Don’t respond though and actually try to talk to me about it, I’m just going to ignore it because my parents didn’t understand that ADHD was a thing when I was a kid so it’s untreated. Anything over 10 seconds worth of reading will just lose me. I also don’t actually want to talk about it, I just want to whine and complain, because I lack any actual response possible.”

I know for a fact most of yall using this forum have weak limp wrists and tiny hearts. It’s just sad that pixels on a forum can make you fumble and fold so quickly. I’m sad for you.


Drink casually being correct again.

This is a really bad incorrect leap of logic that is not true.

The GDKP ban did not ENTIRELY stop RMT, however it did take away the largest most lucrative avenue for RMT to be used in the game to purchase any item in any raid tier.

Right now essentially all RMT’ers can buy is stuff like their epic mount, edgemasters, LHH, freezing band? And that’s about it as far as items that are astronomically priced at 2k+ gold.

Without the GDKP ban there would be a ridiculous amount more RMT gold being used to purchase every single good MC item.

Not to mention there’d also be a ton of GDKP runs offering an immediate way to launder bought gold, and a much larger incentive to RMT and buy gold because GDKP’s are the most lucrative way of doing that.

Not only that, as raid tiers progress there’s less and less items that are relevant for RMT gold buyers to purchase without GDKP’s.

With GDKP’s every single raid tier gives more and more incentive to RMT and purchase more gold to buy more items in every raid tier.

The GDKP ban is a hugely positive step to reduce the incentive and the effect of RMT and gold buying, even if it doesn’t eliminate it entirely.

It is idiotic to claim “The GDKP ban didn’t stop all gold buying period, so therefore they should be unbanned”

^ That’s just coping and grasping at straws trying to beg to unban the swiper’s best option which was GDKP’s.

The ban is a great first step, but more does need to be done to ban gold buyers and combat botting.