You really don’t believe that, do you?
Its very obvious at this point that removing gdkp did nothing to curve RMT, all it did was pacify loud dads on the forums
It quite literally removed the most lucrative way of using RMT bought gold to purchase any raid item in the game.
That’s a massive positive even if it didn’t entirely remove all gold buying immediately overnight.
Why parrot this idiotic stance?
“Well it didn’t completely stop all gold buying, so all the positives and the reduction of uses for RMT bought gold don’t matter la la la la la”
And it seems to have caused tons of people to beg to remove the ban more than they actually play the game which is wild.
If it did why is there so much RMT on fresh? Give some sort of proof other than how you feel about it
“Guys trust me gdkps were the main source, ignore that it’s still rampant and a massive black market industry with multiple factors at play ranging from multiple in game reasons, and even external reasons like overabundance of wealth in NA and an under paid and overworked 3rd world gold slavery market where professional Asian gold farmers quite literally make more money selling wow gold than having an actual job. We just have to believe that it really is at the end of the day just gdkps and nothing else.”
I’m so tired of you troggs regurgitating the same overused talking points that only convince those that already choose to believe the same dribble, rotting the collective intelligence of everyone else who has to suffer it.
What proof do you have GDKP was the most lucrative? While people continue to RMT wildly for things like, basic consumables, or BiS BOEs?
Or is it just your feelings?
There is RMT sure, but the usage for it is much lower as you can no longer join this system of purchasing every single raid item using bought gold as a feature of the GDKP system.
That has been removed, it’s not an opinion it’s an objective fact and result of the ban.
It’s not an objective fact, you have no proof it’s reduced in any capacity. If IT WAS REDUCED, we’d see reduced botting. Especially after what, almost a year of no GDKP on SoD?
And yet, here we are.
It’s a fact, it’s literally allowing people to purchase every single raid item from every single raid tier in the game with GDKP’s.
Without GDKP’s they can buy edgemaster’s, freezing band… An epic mount? Consumables?
That’s about it, with GDKP’s its all of those PLUS every single raid item in the game.
It’s an objective fact that it massively reduced the usage options that people can use RMT bought gold for.
It’s just literally, like, a fact.
Prove there is less RMT, because I don’t remember the need for a ban wave the first month of 2019 classic
His play on words revolves around the fact that gdkps are banned, so thus a reduction has happened because players can not openly gdkp. He’s using very technical wording to dance around it.
Reducing the spending options doesn’t equate to reduced RMT. 90% of off-race warriors are still going to RMT for their Edgemasters.
I didn’t say that at all, read again.
There is still RMT, but the available options players have to use RMT bought gold for was massively reduced.
GDKP’s were the largest most lucrative option for using RMT bought gold to purchase literally any raid item in the game, and that’s gone.
That is a huge positive and massively reduced any player’s ability to use RMT bought gold to purchase anything in the game.
It’s a massive improvement even though more needs to be done.
“GDKP’s were the largest most lucrative option for using RMT bought gold to purchase literally any raid item in the game, and that’s gone.”
Prove it was the largest most lucrative option.
You have more dodge than rogues with evasion oh my god.
You say that, but all available evidence shows the highest botting/rmt so far despite the ban so give some proof other than feelscrafting
You could purchase literally any raid item in the game, versus only ~5 items that are extremely overpriced now.
That’s a fact, it’s proven, it used to be every single raid item in every tier purchasable with bought gold easily, now it’s just edgemaster’s, freezing band… that’s about it.
People would regularly bid 5k-10k+ gold on random high ticket items in GDKP’s throughout every raid tier. How bout that gold cap Gressil if you wanna talk about lucrative and the largest option for spending bought gold.
Now they can’t do that.
The amount of gold that was spent in GDKP’s absolutely dwarfed any other activity in the game, and the proof of that is how much people fiended for those pots.
Without RMT, the pots in GDKP’s are no longer worth it, which is another big reason why RMT is what drove GDKP’s to be so profitable
It’s a crazy cope to pretend that banning GDKP’s didn’t massively limit the options any RMT gold buyer has now.
It’s a great first step, it didn’t end RMT, but it absolutely 100% massively reduced their options.
What available evidence first of all, you haven’t provided anything.
Second of all Read.
I said it objectively factually reduces the amount of items players can use RMT bought gold to purchase, that is not arguable, it’s a fact.
Please, stop repeating, the LITERAL ONE OFF Gressil buy. Oh my god. It’s literally like quoting the 3mil ToGC ring.
GDKP pots are worth regardless of RMT. ZG is worth always doing as a GDKP for idol bids, and nobody is spending thousands on an idol.
In fact, “5k-10k gold on random high ticket items throughout every raid tier” where? Proof? The highest I saw was 10k, for hungering cold. The most desired item in the game. 10k, after being bid up to that point by 70% of the raid. It wasn’t “random high ticket items” nor was it every raid tier.
Actually all my bis is sold by vendors in p3, so objectively wrong
^ Then you don’t need GDKP’s at all and the ban is 100% fine, glad we agree