But I’m playing SoD, where I also can’t RMT due to the GDKP ban right?
I also only have this character on classic cata, my logs are public, you can easily see that I’m 3/7? H Firelands with a guild run that I go to every week.
I never assumed that about you. I know you’re an ape who will just scream we’re all gold buyers and accept nothing else. You just want to yell and villainize us for nothing other than that we like gdkps. You say so in your first post back here, you dismiss everything I said, downplay it, minimize it, and scream how I’m a gold buyer.
I only assume you’re an ape with a keyboard, nothing more.
The only intellectual dishonesty is you.
No you.
Hahahaha, I’m playing Tww3 with a friend in a duo campaign having fun, then I’ll playing with my gf after and running some sfks. I’m having a good time. The only one mad is you, we can all clearly see it and now you’re projecting it onto us.
Go get some therapy if you’re this mad over people liking gdkps lmao.
Hate to tell you this, but there are definitely a lot of people RMTing. My friend is playing a rogue. One of his guildies 10000% bought gold for LHH+Edgemasters, he’s not banned btw.
So another cheater with not much more than a toe in fresh. Just like drink. Just like the RMT warrior above you.
It’s incredibly telling that you all aren’t really playing fresh, yet you still somehow think your opinion is either warranted or wanted when none of you are really playing because you can’t RMT your way to BiS.
1, gatekeeping with regard to gold people dont want to have to not be able to pug, 2 upbidding sometimes people will bid up you for the purpose of seeing how far you go, sometimes they will ‘cancel’ if they win or say they thought it was the wrong item and get a freebe. 3 sometimes people will wait for a gdkp to get enough gold to buy enough wow tokens and if we get token in anniversary buy a transfer to another server, and use the gold to buy up a bunch of wow tokens.
I would think a better way to allow gdkp without the cringe of upbidding might be to allow for some limited items including: legendaries, mounts, 100% drops, and raid mats. Not sure how to handle people leaving the raid and server transfering aside from sending them 1copper and some junk before the raid begins.
You tried to say you wanted a screen shot then you said you wouldn’t believe me even if I posted it, you would just say I’m a liar and I had someone else spam that.
So I made a thread and had a dozen people including anti gdkp people who hate me like Zaalg say they saw the spam in lfg/trade.