In TBCC, I was one of the toxic parsers, still am but that’s besides the point.
Bro we weren’t gatekeeping instances late T5. The amount of times my almost full T6 geared rogue was denied to go to any content not gdkp related is high, like astronomically high, specifically because I played rogue. I’d go log check the people who denied me into content, and pound for pound these players had no logs or were grey/green parsers. They were looking to be carried by what they perceived to be meta, and rogue to them for some reason wasn’t meta despite it being T6.
You were being gatekept by players who I can promise were not doing gdkps.
Well yes, you’re either going to go pump and need nothing or next to nothing, or you’re going in for loot. I mean, we’re talking what, Kara/Gruul/Mag during late SSC/TK?
That said, P1 loot for the most part was min bid, atleast on Mankrik, and min bid was pretty cheap. Like yeah, it’s 100g for the item, but also we’re in TBC and 100g is really not much. I was spending 500-700g a week on consumables minimum for reference. I stopped doing kara gdkps because the pots were so low, and I’d end up just getting a cut of around a few hundred gold because everything went for min bid or just didn’t even sell outright. Same for Gruul/Mag with the notable exception of DST.
I got to the point were I only did Gruul gdkps out of the three, because DST itself had value. Either got like 20g for the run or I got 750g+, all dependent on DST dropping or not, but atleast the run itself was sub 30 minutes so no DST wasn’t a complete time waste. Point being, P1 was cheap (excluding DST).
SSC/TK is more or less the same story, especially with ZA dropped. ZA killed any and all reason to really do anything that wasn’t Hyjal/BT/ZA, and the runs that did happen were for Vashj or KT for the most part. Any run that did full was also for the most part min bids across the board. Sure the price went up to like 250g per item, but you’ll make that plus more back assuming most items sell for min bid. You could gear out pretty quickly on a budget, cause from there you could easily transition into Hyjal/BT/ZA gdkps. Just don’t blow your budget week 1 and you’ll end up making a lot, which you then turn around and use that in the following weeks to progress your character. The hardest part of gdkps is the initial step, once you’re rolling you just keep going no issue.
But if you’re not interested in “selling boosts, or “”“exploiting””" or buying gold" and “bots made it hard to farm” then idk man sounds like you just didn’t really want to try. Sure, bots made farming harder, but I was still pumping out about 500g an hour with mine/engi in Netherstorm. Fel Iron/Adamantium, Primal Earth/Fire/Mana, sometimes gems. If I got bored I switched to SMV, swap Mana for Shadow. It was boring, and mind numbing, but I did that till I just rolled gdkp gold weekly, then gold quite literally just never became a factor… But if you go in with a mindset of already being defeated then I guess yeah, you’re just stuck.
To each their own. I find non gdkp raids to be toxic with how many players are willing to be selfish and waste others time because it’s not convenient for the individual to do what they need to do to make sure the group as a whole succeeds. They’ll either be carried kicking and screaming across the finish line, or sink the whole ship, no inbetween, and that to me is toxic.
Guildies killed guild alt runs. Don’t put this on us because we don’t want to have to carry them not only in main raid, but now even more so in the alt raid.
I tried to do alt raids with guildies. All that happened was I had to get on my main to come carry them to gear in previous tier raids, using my hard earned main raid consumables just to squeeze out enough raid dps so they can get the kill and the loot, meanwhile calling me a toxic sweaty parser (despite me taking it as a compliment, they meant it with their own toxicity and vitriol) behind my back. (Before anyone asks how I know if it was behind my back, I still have my own close group of friends who listened, told me, and showed me in game /p receipts).
So no I’m not going to accept you sitting here trying to tell us that gdkps killed guild alt runs, when we all know that guilds killed guild alt runs. Gdkp is just the scapegoat to cope about it.
Nothing to do with gdkps. Again, this is a guild issue.
Gdkps at best, sell a single slot to someone who prebid a lot of gold that will be divided out if the item drops. Only items that come to mind for this are DST post P1, Glaives month 1, and Thoridal month 1. I’m saying month because it was pretty rare to see them prebid, atleast on Mankrik, post the first month or so.
Any guilds selling raid slots is just that, a guild doing it, separate and of no relation to gdkps.
I mean you kind of proved my point before I even typed it.
You already ostracize and push us out while in the same breath talking about how the social aspect of the game doesn’t exist anymore. I wonder why.
Pound for pound, bar for bar, higher tier players don’t think about lower tier players, but god knows lower tier players will let us live in their minds rent free, and complain about us the entire time, and for what? Because we want to play well? The social aspect died because we finally had a way to raid and have it be worth it, because you can talk about social aspect this and guild comradery that but all I got was an IRL expense of needing to buy aspirin constantly from the headaches of being around such socially awkward and insufferable individuals for hours at a time, coupled with them being toxic to me because I’m begging them to just do the mechanics correctly.
Bad selfish players are why good players leave guilds, and those remaining bad selfish players will just attract more of the same, then wipe to bosses they used to be carried on, then cry about how guilds are dead and the game is dead because they can’t get carried anymore. Then they see all their former guildies doing pug runs that far outclass their guild run and seethe about it and scream about how gdkps ruined the social aspect, meanwhile I’ve made more connections through gdkps than I ever have through guilds, all because those gdkps have a higher quality of player who actively wants the group to succeed, over these guild runs with half the players only wanting themselves to succeed at the cost of others around them.
I get this post is long and can sound/feel aggressive, but I don’t mean it like that. I honestly believe that gdkps were just the next evolution for wow raiding. At the end of the day, gdkps aren’t trying to be “meta” in their comp, they’re trying to be efficient enough to kill the raid, but fluid enough to get as big of a pot as possible from the players in there. This can very well mean taking non meta picks to fill gear gaps, and is in general a bit more fluid and open than a pug of equal quality. Higher end guild hosted pugs will only fill the meta slots with meta, because there is no incentive to fill off gear gaps, but gdkps do and it allows for more class/spec diversity. Lower end pugs will of course take anything and everything, but lower end comes with no promise of killing the bosses so take that with a big grain of salt. I honestly think if you went in with a bit more of an open mind you’d probably enjoy gdkps, but if you’re going to go in with the mindset that we’re all meta sheep, and had to sell boosts, or buy gold, or exploit to get the gold we have, then the conversation is kind of over before it even begins.