Can someone explain why GDKP is so hated?

Guild recruitment is a lot harder when gdkp exists

Blizzard wants bots. I’ve already stated how GDKPs reduce bots.

GDKPs are gold making systems. With a GDKP you potentially have 39 players who will net gold leaving the instance. Those players have no real motivation or incentive to buy gold.

Without GDKPs, you have *potentially" 39 more players who might need to engage in RMT to cover the cost of raiding.

Which of those scenarios ask for more bots? Remember what defines a strong economy too.

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For good reason too. Committing evening nights long term to strangers online for a made up system in a video game is amazingly unappealing. Even if you know those strangers the commitment in itself is a burden. Don’t want to raid for a week? Gratz, you’re screwing over the rest of the raid.

It’s blatant bigotry, we just don’t like the p2w folk.

Then this isn’t the game for you. Classic wow is about guild community. The entire game was abuilt around it and its a big thing missing from most of retail wow.

Because I would rather play with a community of players compared to a smaller clique?

Because I would like to take a week off without hurting my group I have committed to?

It’s stupid to think that a weekly committed guild raid night is more sociable then playing with pugs on a similarly cadence just not at the same hours/days.

I also really like my guild, I usually do commit a toon to them. But it sucks not being able to raid on my alts because I’m not trying to commit multiple nights to a game, when missing any of those is hurting the players I’m with.

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Yeah retirement benefits. As in, you’ll never have to think about gold again if you run enough GDKPs.

Psuedo selling carries for profit via a loot system just makes it a loot system which means its perceived pros and cons are totally subjective - its an opinion on how to distribute loot - all opinions (all loot systems) are equal.

Then if you want to get real you could admit selling carries for a pot of gold in an acknowledged RMT landscape probably isn’t the best form of raiding in what is supposed to be a social game.

If people were more honest about the topic you would probably get less heat. GDKP is the stupid doing the lazy because they can. See? That wasn’t so hard.


If you can’t take a week off from raiding with your guild then theres something wrong with your guild structure.

If your guild doesn’t allow you to play alts then theres also something wrong with your guild structure.

GDKP is bad because almost all of the gold being used in them was bought from third party gold sellers… That’s why WoW Token is actually a good thing. Because it combats gold selling slightly.

GDKP doesn’t compete with guilds for players, it competes with other worse forms of pugging like SR/HR.

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Because guilds are just swamped with players that are okay being benched incase you want to take off for the week… I’m sure if you swap to your alt and roll on gear they’re fine with gearing them out too…

And if you’re in a main tank role or raid lead, missing sets everything back it feels.

I dont understand people. If you have a bis geared main you can earn gold through running GDKPs as a carrier. Then you earn enough gold you give it back by getting one of your alts carried. Seems like a win win.

For those with fresh 60s… they can farm gold like collecting herbs or selling pots and then use that gold to get gear… or they can do acquire gear from raiding with their guild.

It’s a win win with no down side


The downside is to people that run bots and sell gold lose their customers.

So they started a anti-gdkp campaign and were very successful.

Watching it unfold from reddit to sod forums, a masterclass in manipulation to force institutional behavior.


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It’s still banned. Glad you got a chance to vent.
Ur paying to not play the game. Keep cryin’


Yea they are paying to not play the game, you tell em!!

Besides the fact they form a raid, clear trash, kill the boss, recover from wipes and then kill the boss, bring world buffs, be fully consumed, be in discord,do the same mechanics and hope RNG drops your item.

Besides all of that tho they aren’t playing the game!!

:clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:

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lol I’m sure in some of them you’re right. Others just ignore the player at the entrance that spent 1k gold for his pick of loot he had no part in ‘achieving’ and such runs are normally run by those who have the place basically on farm.


Not when the alternative is literally not making anything

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Ok here we go, so RMT is ok as long as blizzard gives up on policing it, and the community doesnt mind it? But GDKP is soooooo evil.

You realize that 3rd party RMT is also tied to a lot of illegal stuff, right? Money laundering, account stealing, and more.

Would I personally be against 1st party RMT if it was in the game? YES for vanilla because it’s a very different game than other versions, but I accept it in other versions where it’s not as directly linked to buying power.

Are we trying to hold moral high ground in a video game now?