Can someone explain why GDKP is so hated?

Youre dumb. Blizzard runs RMT. Youre buying gold when you buy a token. So they are literally breaking their own ToS. You are way too serious about upholding a society in a fake world. Go touch grass.


Did you have a bowel movement or something? I’m still here but my payments stopped 30 days ago.

Yeah, they gave up controlling RMT on some servers and introduced the WoW token, and that just makes it even more important to police it on non-WoW token servers to keep that out.

Honestly… I’m personally not even really against the WoW token when it’s broadly accepted by the community. I’ve bought them on retail. However, I know when I come into a fresh start server that the vast majority of players are against it, and I support that.

WoW tokens create wealth. There’s no transparency when it comes to who buys your token and where that gold came from.

Blizzard can just make as many tokens appear as players press purchase on the AH.

Please correct me then. I’m not infallible just like everyone else here.

What are you even trying to talk to me about at this point? Because it sounds like you are looking for me to give you something to attack. I don’t see this going anywhere useful or on topic.

Corrupt as hell loot councils still trying to justify their existance…

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Because there are a lot of bots.

Even if you ban a lot of bots, there’s always a lot of bots left and a lot of new bots that pop up.

Blizzard has gone over this in the past. They’re pests of the highest order, and just because you see a few or many doesn’t mean they’re doing nothing about it.

You’re just taking your narrow, small minded focal point and extrapolating a fallacious assumption, no biggie, but you shouldn’t do that.

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Right so it would take a lot of effort.

Which would cost money.

Idk. You don’t know either. Kinda pointless to speculate on Blizzard’s operation costs in this particular context.

The loot council will allow disenchant gear before letting non loot council members get it…

I’m genuinely curious about your perspective. I may or may not agree with it. But I’m curious nonetheless. Either way don’t take offense to my response. At the end of the day we’re just sharing opinions.

Listen to these words carefully…

You are not getting back GDKPs.

Cry moar.


cause 80% of the people running them buy gold


GDKP is so perfect… that it must be destroyed :expressionless: for your own good

In theory it’s perfect

It’s a great way to keep people engaged in a raid and get a reward for trying hard even if they don’t get loot or don’t even need loot.

It’s a shame cheaters had to ruin it.


Gdkp ruins and inflates the economy that much is a fact


Loot council is like any other loot system, it can be great, or terrible, it depends on implementation and people.

Also no loot council worth their salt would DE loot over giving it to someone who needs it. This is some lowest quality possible DKP guild back in 2005 nonsense.

cuz it sucks lmao

I already gave you my perspective. I was pretty clear. Go back and re-read our posts, and if you disagree feel free to ask me something specific. I’m willing to have an open and honest conversation with almost anyone, though its hard to find anyone else who will do the same.