why not exclusive gdkp friendly realm for TBC. those who hate it stay, those who love it reroll
Again explain the fairness of rolling compared bidding when you have skilled players? I can do Top DPS get all interupts. Then a guy that died at the start rolls a 99 to my 23. If he out bids me then kudos ill go farm more gold for next week to try and out bid. But you can lose a roll everytime to worse players and not get gear. When you play retail, there are players that need on 606s when they have a 626 in that slot and take the gear to DE when you lose the roll to them. Id gladly pay gold to take the gear from them and have been in bidding wars in that situation too for gear. So regardless of how you feel about something, that doesnt make it true.
If you dont like GDKP then dont join GDKP groups. But its a community in itself within WoW, which is why blizzard saying it destroys communities in their post when they banned it, was so out of touch. Its a whole new gaming community consisting of the twitch generation which strives to be the 1st one done or doing the highest lvl content. And as stated before this locks out people who work jobs because by the time they get to the content most groups are done and waiting for the next raid and there is nothing but radio silence in trade chat.
And the only reason it was banned in SoD was because there is no WoW token. Blizzard wants GDKP on versions that offer the token, because they make money. They just dont want the 20 guys crammed in 1 room trying to feed their families by selling gold, to make money.
Which leads to another question. Should i support gold farmers in in a developing country or give a billion dollar a year company more money? Lol
Couldn’t someone just bot for their own gold instead of RMTing for it?
Isn’t RMT only really an issue because of hyperinflation primarily caused by bots? I would point to Phase 1 of SoD that had GDKP yet the economy was still very true to era in that gold was hard to come by.
Exactly. GDKP was banned and bots still had all the farms on black lotus and inflated flask prices still.
Its what people do in politics too. I know a girl that was outraged by the “grab her p****” line from Trump because she chose the other side. Yet, in college she pinned me to a wall at a party and stuck her tongue down my throat and her hand down my pants. She literally did what she was so outraged about, but people like to hyperfocus on disagreements and a single thing that they can somewhat tie to causality even if its not the main factor. Like why is abortion even in politics? Why are people so focussed on that when just getting groceries on the table is a struggle? Why you letting homie bust inside when you cant even afford to take care of yourself? Why cant you use a condom? Why cant you use birth control? Why cant you be abstinent? Like 20 steps can be taken to avoid a pregnancy. But people would rather fight over the absolute final step of the process for someone who doesnt want to be pregnant.
The implication of this statement says it all and undermines any argument you could possibly say on this topic.
Also @Bullakae - both botting and RMT are against ToS, so neither are ok. The fact you guys are even bringing this up in this post proves that it was the right call.
RMT is an issue because you didn’t earn it yourself via actually controlling your character.
Because its pay to win garbage and it ruined Whitemane. I understand why people like it though. You can swipe your credit card and buy all the best gear, or you can join a GDKP and get paid for your services with all the purchased gold.
What a bad take.
GDKP is one of many loot systems that is abused by users. All loot systems except for individual loot are abused, and people have even tried to abuse it by pressuring people to give up their loot, there is even a mod for it.
The bottom line is that everyone who is against any loot system feels it doesn’t help them achieve their loot goals. That’s it. Everything else is just a wordy expansion of that principle.
Loot greed is the cancer of this game, always has been, always will be.
Pretty sure Individual loot systems were abused too lol
Banning GDKPs is dumb when players will ALWAYS complain about gear. It’s just how the game goes.
yes it was, guilds/rls were asking people to install a mod that autotraded your personal loot away. What a beautiful expression of greed.
That and making split runs for certain armor types only.
Botting is not as accessible nor as “clean” a TOS break as buying gold and all the various methods to launder it undetected. Blizzard is constantly advancing their ability to detect bots and banning them frequently in waves, and I doubt those are slap-on-the-wrist bans like they do for first time gold buyers, so there’s real risk to your account as well, especially when you’re essentially not present for a lot (or all) of the bot’s activity.
Many bots are also going to be subscription based and that adds an additional barrier to entry to the trade as well.
The vast, vast, vast majority of consumer RMT is done by straight up buying gold from operations of people farming it by hand. It could be someone you even know just farming gold and selling it on the fly. It happens a lot more than you think, but obviously the profitable operations are the big teams of people farming en masse that sometimes use bots, but not always.
RMT is an issue because of many things, not just one thing. Bots, GDKP, RMT are all contributors.
You saying the economy was “true to era” in phase 1 of SoD is anecdotal at best and a pretty inadequate sample size to make the sweeping argument that GDKP causes no overall harm (not to mention a direct contradiction to Blizzard’s assertion, and we should assume they have the data).
Banning GDKP has nothing to do with people complaining about loot. It has to do with the incentive to engage in RMT being increased so that your buying power is strengthened in GDKP runs.
RMT is bad for the game, therefore GDKP gets an easy axe.
RMT can never be solved though. How can you tell that I’m not paying someone directly for a prio or help? Botting can be solved by Blizzard, that’s far more telling when considering it exist.
And as I mentioned earlier, RMT is only a real problem when it’s easily accessible, cheap, and unpunished.
Do people use RMT gold in GDKPs? I would assume so. Do people use RMT for high end consumables and BoEs? I would assume so. The former spreads out that illicit wealth atleast, whereas the other puts it in one persons hand.
The strength of an economy is its ability to move money. Do you think it’s stronger to have an economy where Edgemasters gold goes to one instance farmer or Deathbringer gold goes to 40?
Inflation is currency in the economy. GDKP do nothing but circulate money, there is no actual wealth creation. Level 50 in SoD had one of the most gorked economies to date, and Era servers going on year 6 with merges to them also are seeing late stage WoW economies.
People complain that everything is expensive on GDKP servers but act as if they’re unable to participate in those economies.
The guys who are dealing with horrible guilds don’t like the idea that someone could go in and do the raid/get gear without having to deal with a horrible guild. Of course the people who get passed over for onslaught girdle for the RL’s GF are gonna be mad that someones third alt got it in gdkp in their second lockout. Its about gatekeeping from toxic dad gamers who all spout “hurr durr rmt” when they know banning it has 0 impact on bots/rmt.
Zero impact? Really? You must be going for absolutely zero credibility my friend.
I’ve seen plenty of bots and plenty of people paying 5g per run to get boosted, where do you think that gold comes from? The ban was a placebo to keep dads like you from whining on the forums
Nor can we eliminate the existence of crime, it doesn’t mean humans don’t craft laws to punish it.
Yes, hence regulating/punishing people engaging in an RMT-adjacent activity, such as GDKP.
It would take a person of very low esteem to not assume so. It’s quite frankly disingenuous to suggest that RMT is not prominent in this space.
Because effective gold making has been completely isolated to one single activity: getting in to a GDKP raid as a carry or weasling in with low contribution and hoping the raid leaders don’t keep your cut.
It should not be rocket science to see why this isn’t preferable for many players.
But your punishment is costing. It removes agency on what players can do with gold they make in game. It removes motivation from incentive without unknown bias. It removes the most valuable market players are able to participate in.
And the cancer still exist undeterred to the body remaining. Do you want to keep removing limbs until there is nothing the cancer can infect or should we try to treat the cancer instead?
As it’s disingenuous to think illegal gold isn’t used on the AH/trade in general. Anyone who isn’t SSF is engaging in an RMT enabled arena.
This is straight up stupid. If everything is expensive can you not participate in it still? Why are things on the AH expensive if the only gold being made is in GDKPs? Whose buying/selling all of those auctions? Where does that gold go to?
That has nothing to do with what I said. You made up a ridiculous statistic that is blatantly false, and then accuse me of doing what you are actually doing here on the forums. Okay, friend enjoy your fantasy. You can have the last word now I’m done feeding you. Have a great day!
You guys still arguing for GDKP have already called yourselves out and proven yourselves wrong.
This started as a thread asking why GDKP is bad, and now it’s a thread with people defending RMT and botting. You guys ironically answered the OP better than any of us could have answered it.