Can someone explain why GDKP is so hated?

^ This makes it sound like you got carried to the kill…

And at the same time you guys are calling other people trash…



Dont worry the anti gdkp players wont clear SS/TK or Sunwell.

Then when their guild runs alt runs with pugs its gonna be “ok guys we gonna do maybe 3 bosses and quit”

Sounds like he got paid 3k gold to come play in their gdkp.

We both know why you post on that toon.

Notice all the antis are hiding lmfao?

Trash cans

I mean, I still parsed 80-90’s despite being fury geared with a 2h. I’m not dead weight.

It wasn’t even a GDKP that paid me. A guild was that desperate for an Arms warrior for their raid night.

Ok Mr. level 34 gnome ahahaha.

It just really seems like some crazy obsession and temper tantrum to be throwing over the GDKP ban when we all 3 agreed it’s a positive step in SOME fashion.

I dunno man, I don’t get it, like I said just play the game and have fun.

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Im Drinknblink in cata and Peeposcam in cata.

Currently doing Peeposcam.

I was Manuredps-Benediction in TBCC.

Whats your toons actual name?

TBC toon?

Wotlk toon?

Im guessing you havent killed anything.

My issue is they won’t do anything about the core problem.

I personally like gdkp, but the ban doesn’t really affect me in any meaningful way.

I still play and have fun.

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All the ban does for me is just makes it so i dont play an alt.

Cant imagine going thru LFG Pug hell lmfao.

I still see people selling gold in game.

I see crazy AH prices.

I see bots.

Nothing has changed.

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The players are on your side are RMT addicted cheaters.

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Naw they just want clean runs away from trash cans like you.

There’s people selling LHH craft for 500g on anni right now. I’ve seen Cloudkeepers sell for 2500g.

On a server that’s 3 weeks old lol.

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Yeah i mean Edgies are 2k

I wish i had stock in g2g

Id be rich

The funniest thing to me is these anti are in guilds where half the people buy gold.


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Aint no antis here askin’ for an invite to those you nerd

and on that note: you arent invited to my b-day party


Ofc you arent invited you would just die.

You cant clear content in your own raid team lmfao

I love the double think they do, GDKP’s are full of bads getting carried that also clear harder content better than we do.

Wait till TBC launches.

Let me guess tho these people wont go to tbc, they gonna be like blizzard can we get a new fresh TBC is far to hard for us.


Keep stroking each other lol

Its probably related to the convenience and cheating factors.

I can understand the hypothetical situation where GDKP is actually a fair and valid loot distribution system. Everyone comes out of the raid richer or with gear, or both.

That being said… the reality of how they are set up is that this would be the exception, not the rule. It obviously encourages RMT, and even if you ignore the RMT the organizers frequently run the GDKP in a way the disproportionately benefits themselves.

I have a hard time believing anyone who denies these things because there’s so much evidence out there about players using GDKP to benefit themselves. Tons of streamers/creators talk about exactly how they have used for their own benefit by either giving themselves a disproportionate amount of the gold or purposely inviting specific people/classes in a way to push the bids higher… not to mention the RMT.