500g per for some of those items isn’t cheap, iirc flasks on my server (prior to the lotus crash) were over 50g per and you’re telling me every healer in speedruns was chugging distilled wisdoms like they had to finish them all before they died.
Most consumables/crafting mats sold on the ah will be farmed by bots in the first place. I’m really not sure what your point is. I listed over 20 items ranging from anywhere from 50g to 500g to 5000g (the price for most of the crafted items is between 200g for some of the less desirable resist pieces to 1200g for things like Lionheart)…
Note however, my gold farming method produced about 150g/hr as a solo warrior, so I could afford a Lionheart helm every ~10 hours. Gold really isn’t as rare as you make it out to be.
That should be dealt with too. And I really think that’s a BS made up number but sure whatever let’s roll with it.
The fact of the matter is whatever amount is on the AH, that’s still much less than the AH AND GDKP’s.
So removing GDKP’s is undeniably a step in the right direction to reduce the RMT in the game.
This isn’t a “Well it happens anyway, so we should allow and encourage anything else that allows for RMT like GDKP’s because it happens anyway”
^ That’s idiotic, “It happens anyway, so let’s not do anything to stop any version of it whatsoever, allow all forms of RMT and don’t ban any of them because it happens anyway.”
The problem, as I’ve stated time and time again, is that they aren’t going to do anything else about the bots/RMT.
There’s a reason bans for RMT are like, a week. There’s a reason the same bots run for months without issues despite being easily spotted by methods as simple as /who Blackrock…
The problem with the removal of GDKP is that, not only does it do very little to stop botting/RMT, but that they now will pretend that it did, and a whole bunch of redditors with no concept of reality suddenly believe it’s all gone.
This does nothing. Solves nothing. They’ve attempted to cure liver cancer by sawing off the patients arm.
You could LITERALLY /who Blackrock Depths, and find HUNDREDS of rogue bots pickpocketing on any given server. This was never resolved for classics lifespan. In TBC, bots LITERALLY added client side bridges to walk from Netherstorm ground level, INTO Botanica without needing a flying mount, and then tele hacked around to farm herbs. You could find this by LITERALLY typing /who Botanica. It was an issue for all of TBC.
Wrath dk bots in BG’s, do I need to actually explain this one to you as well?
You think NOW, all of a sudden, they’re doing anything? Or care even slightly? About botting and RMT?
The GDKP ban, is a DO NOTHING CHANGE, to cope that they’re doing something and get a bunch of redditor/forum andy’s/twitter freaks, to stop crying.
The GREATEST BENEFIT, of the GDKP ban, is that now they can see gold trades easier. Still don’t properly ban for RMT. So what did they gain?
I AM BEGGING YOU, to read this, and understand it.