Gold buyers AKA cheaters, gold sellers and Blizzard’s negligence on the matter are the three biggest drivers of RMT.
I would not at all be surprised if we took the average amount of money spent on gold per person per week and compared fresh and Era and found the average was actually higher on fresh.
One of these 2 modes greatly incentivizes farming/botting/swiping, which do inject gold into the economy.
Being the strongest you can be is the final goal for most players, which can be achieved by equipping best in slot gear in every slot. Most BiS items are BoP, which - unlike BoE items - cannot be bought from other players, and must be acquired by playing and pulling your own weight in a raid.
GDKP makes it so that all the BiS gear can effectively be bought with gold, greatly increasing the importance and value of gold - which incentivizes farming/botting/swiping.
If raid drops were intended to be bought with gold, they would’ve been BoE.
It’s almost as if, maybe, just maybe, gold is not a good currency to use for a loot system as there are tons of issues with it including what you’re mentioning now.
I think a much better solution would be a built in DKP-like token that is completely non-transferrable between characters, and has absolutely nothing to do with gold at all.
That way it cannot ever be bought or traded, you simply get it for participating in kills.
That system would have issues like any other, but it’d be a hell of a lot better than using gold.
So you don’t think cheaters, gold sellers and Blizzard’s negligence are the biggest factors in driving RMT? Do you feel like GDKP is a bigger driver of it? How do you think the average amount of money spent per person on gold would compare on fresh vs current Era?
Respond to all the parts of my posts that you conveniently cut out before, and then we can talk.
If you’re not willing to actually discuss and just continuously post the same BS while avoiding all of the negatives and not even quoting them, then there’s nothing more to discuss.
So you don’t think cheaters, gold sellers and Blizzard’s negligence are the biggest factors in driving RMT? Do you feel like GDKP is a bigger driver of it? How do you think the average amount of money spent per person on gold would compare on fresh vs current Era?
You’re implying whole-sale that Blizzard does nothing to combat these already.
What’s it to you that they go after other things simultaneously that also contribute to RMT? Are they not obligated to do so?
You’re trying to make this an argument about the degree to which effort is needed to mitigate RMT through x or y methods, when really Blizzard can just do it all at the same time. Banning GDKP isn’t a particularly difficult thing to do for them, so even if getting rid of GDKP only helps the situation 10-20%, why not just throw it in there?
Why cant gdkp do that? It is a loot system like rolling. It is not the boss mechanics. You can infer all you want about the skills of players in the group. The point is it keeps content alive after most people complete it. Its not the gamers it was 20 years ago where people made friends in games. The new generation has changed gaming into speed running content and leaving those who work all day out.
Recent history (the last 5 years) is more than enough proof.
BRD pickpocket botting, Strat 5 man botting, black lotus farming using hacks to teleport under the map and fly around. (They solved lotus bots by crashing the lotus market when they increased lotus spawn rates, genius solution)
Bots literally adding client side ramps that allowed them to walk from netherstorm’s ground level, up to the entrance of the botanica, where they would then tele/fly hack around picking flowers 24/7.
DK bots flooding bgs. This went unresolved for the majority of wrath btw.
And inevitably, giving up and adding the wow token so that everyone could RMT. “Legally”
Oh, and through all of this botting was alive and well in the world. Those were just the most egregious examples that could’ve been solved in LITERALLY less than a minute per server just typing /who and the instance.
GDKP is more strict than your runs are most likely.
It holds people accountable and fines them or removes their pay out entirely.
You think all gdkps are is the trash trade chat gdkps but those arent even good,
The organized gdkp discords are literally a community of people who raid together weekly. You see the same people in every gdkp for the most part.
None of the antis here are invited to those because they require good players, they vet all their players and do the harder content before other raids can even do it.
Now this isnt an issue in era because the content is brain dead so pretty much everyone can clear it including the antis.
When content becomes harder the organized gdkps are just superior as a pug system.
You can throw the word “rmt” at literally anything tied to gold.
It isnt pay 2 win, they do the same things your raid does, they just use a different loot system. What do you even “win”? Buying items that others get for free before you really isnt “winning”. Its just their prefered pug system.
No gdkps just means less overall runs, the pug scene is garbage and era players are some of the absolute worst players to play this game.
It’s a really stupid argument to try and sell that the AH facilitates RMT. There’s a big difference between occasional auctions being RMT specific, and the fact that GDKP is entirely, completely RMT driven. Not only this, it affects every facet of the economy. No one can escape from it once it takes hold.
So anyway.
No one says otherwise. Not one single person. What’s annoying is that the GDKP cheaters all pretend that this is a gotcha of some sort.
“Well RMT has always existed so might as well just let GDKP’s in because it’s not like it makes a difference.”
It’s more annoying that GDKP cheaters try to gaslight everyone and pretend that GDKP isn’t 100% wall to wall packed with RMT cheaters.
Complete and utter trash.
Occasional auctions? You’re delusional. There are a plethora of boe epics that are extremely good.
Easy example is LHH. What’s the most popular class again?
I’m not going to dig through the forums for an example, but a lot of people have said RMT will be virtually non existent with the gdkp ban in SoD. Its still rampant there.
And that’s a complete lie. You have no idea what you’re yapping about.