Can someone explain why GDKP is so hated?

Idc lmfao.

Yall are still bad rofl.

Kill 4 bosses call it quits.

Mad cause you can’t swipe.

I bet you actually thought they would change their mind on GDKPs.

They won’t.

You aren’t going to ever get GDKPs in FRESH. Never going to happen. Just quit now.

Oh wait you did…to play POE 2 cause you are so butt hurt about GDKPs.

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No gdkps are bis.

No they are banned.

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I know, thats bis.

They are banned. Woops.

I know, thats whats bis, can you not read?

GDKP banned LOL

I know, LOLOL

Imagine playing an alt, LOL

Easy to circumvent with technicalities that I am tempted to illustrate to be annoying in order to force blizzard to fix all the bugs and eliminate all the TBC+ mechanics from the game.

Yes I’m just going to say GDKP banned and watch you mald.

Doesn’t actually bug me at all, I just want all the broken and incorrect game mechanics fixed.

Game play is all that matters to me because mostly I just do WSG and leveling. Its a rare day I raid now.

WSG lol what a terrible instance.

You are an instance PVPer andy. Must be sad.

Why don’t you play retail or Cata? Oh right, you probably suck at arena.

Now it makes sense why you think ret is good. You join your little premade and stomp PUGs and think ret is good.

You probably die in every open world encounter where you don’t have a raid helping you.

Ill get in retail and sell you a carry if you need titles, but screw cata, that game sucks unless you play meta comps

I knew you played retail.


Now I know to even ignore you more than normal. In fact, i’m actually ignoring your character now.

Nothing wrong with retail arena.

Yep instant ignore. You are a retail shill.

Lol ok man… I still enjoy VANILLA WSG most, its bis because everyone is geared and everyone is there to win. No one Q’s WSG on era to rank, that is what AV is for or premade AB.

You literally suck at every aspect of wow rofl.

Sure, come back and level on your mage.