Can someone explain why GDKP is so hated?

You had anecdotes too yet have the gall to call others a liar when they have the same?
Leave, nobody will care

I like this new spin GDKP’ers recently came up with, and are now trying to hang their hat on…lol

As if the pots arent made up of 90% illicit gold.
I dont think everyone is suggesting that a player went and bought $2k worth of gold to join a single raid.
…but at the same time $2k is pocket change to some folks, so theres that…


You have clearly never raided in one. The bias shows in the ignorance.

Ask yourself if players who don’t plan on spending gold in GDKPs would RMT for gold?

Blizzard along with the majority of players have all the proof they/we need.


This thread is so funny. There’s like a handful of people for GDKP and everyone else is like GTFO with that noise. :rofl:


lol its been like this since SoD. Like 5 players who constantly pro GDKP shill…and all the rest of the players in the game against.


You do all those in GDKP. Each week, we meet new people, connect after raids, and compete in the raid. We did work together to overcome obstacles. What do you think people do in GDKP raids?

The guild is fine for a fixed schedule with a main. How about your alts? What if you missed the raid day and want to do one on the weekend? GDKP is the best pug system.

I do like how the wow community goes full anti-gdkp but never has the same effort for gold buying ;).

I think the vast majority of players who are anti-gdkp, are also anti gold buying.

However there is a large portion of current WoW players that are pro gold buying, and in my experience those are the same people that are pro GDKP.

The fact of the matter is a large amount of current WoW players support gold buying, because they see no issue with cheating in a multiplayer game. They think it’s just more “efficient” to pay real money for gold or items instead of farming or rolling or joining a guild, so therefore it’s OK as long as it’s more “optimal” to RMT.

They’ll say stuff like:
“Don’t worry about me, just worry about how you’re playing.”
“If you don’t like it, then don’t do it”

People will literally pay money to NOT play the game, I think because it makes them feel good to have this idea of superiority in a video game.

Same reason you’ll keep hearing about “GDKP’s are only filled with the good players, every other PUG is just trash players” even tho you can check logs, or gear, or world buffs, etc. just the same for a PUG as a GDKP.

But it makes them feel better to think they’re in some elite club of gold DKPers. And they conveniently ignore the fact that their runs all require dedicated “buyers” before they start.

It’s pretty funny when you zoom out and look at it from the perspective of playing a video game for fun as a leisure activity. This is a whole different beast for some people.


It’s a myth that people in GDKPs are all swiping.

No it isn’t. They are swiping or getting gold from people who do swipe.

You lost the war.

GDKPs are banned and there is NOTHING you can do about it.


If you were referring to the carry who said he wont raid SR or MS > OS, that’s not selfish - that’s totally reasonable, those pug runs suck.

You can bury your head in the sand all you want, but with GDKPs banned there way be way less pugs, and the pugs that do occur will have far less decent to good players.

The antis lead those runs.

Kill 4 bosses then wipe for 3 hours having to refill every 10 minutes.

This is 100% factual too, those runs are the worst runs because even on this forum the anti players are some of the worst players to ever play wow and they have been playing for 20 years rofl

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Stay mad you lost the GDKP war.

They are banned. Stay salt.


You mistake trying to improve the game with salt.

Any good player that wants gear can raid LC with a guild. But it sucks for the entire community that there will be no good pugs in fresh.

You aren’t getting GDKPs back.


NEver getting them back. Hahahahahahahaha, never gonna GDKP again.

I can GDKP on era right now…

Era is the endgame, fresh is fun but the ruined the best part (which is pvp leveling).

I’m not the biggest fan of raid progression I mostly play to pvp.

Good go there then and play with the 4 people still there.

I don’t mind having a GDKP purgatory land where no one plays.

he says in the Era forums.

Era is always going to have the best vanilla pvp and pve.

The only thing it doesn’t have is fresh, and that’s full of retailers and no pvp rn.

You aren’t getting GDKPs in FRESH.

LOL stay mad.