Can someone answer that phone?

that doesnt explain anything or make sense. you know people can rez right?

Science: the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.

How is the observation of past situations applied to this via the use of statistics not a science when statistical science is also considered mathematical.

Also… this is getting way off track. But they made a valid point.

I’m not sure anyone is dumb enough to claim numbers have no bearing on PVP, but that was ALWAYS going to be the case. Even if the servers were magically perfectly balanced 50/50 you’d STILL have problems with one side not wanting to pvp as much as the other and then they’d end up outnumbered anyways.

Again, Alliance could have SO much fun if they actually wanted to world PVP and organized, but you’d rather make excuses.

Are your trolling? What does it matter if they can ress if they can’t find you in enough numbers to do anything but get quickly slaughtered before you move on again?

No they didn’t. They stated math and statistics are science, but even if you are using math and statistics in science they are NOT themselves science. They are just tools. Science is a process as your own definition details. Tools can be used in a process but they can never replace it.

Uh hey a few people in this thread are saying just that. You might want to change your words.

Also statistics and numbers are a very important part of the Scientific process or else we wouldn’t have any valid data at all pertaining to anything.

Then those people are dumb.

And remember, statistics are often used in mass drug marketing, and the majority of the time those are flat out lies.

:smiley: You now math and science go hand in hand and both have massive amounts of relation to one another.

There are things by their very nature that are in fact emphatically mathematical and scientific, but statistics is both science and math.

if 10 people are fighting 30 people in wow. the 30 people always win unless the 10 people are super geared and the 30 people are low lvl or in greens. no amount of hit and runs or blitzkrieg makes a difference. those tactics work irl becuase of things like dmging equipment or perma death. there are no grand strategic advantages in wow.

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No, it’s not.

Again, science is the process. Math and statistics are tools used in that process.

Cooking is a process, slotted spoons and spices are tools used in that process.

If those 30 people are together, they’re organized. If those 30 people are spread across the Searing Gorge and 10 Alliance are moving from spot to spot killing them 1–3 people at a time, things will end up quite differently.

If those 10 alliance are all at the gate to BRM, the mob will naturally gravitate there eventually and wipe them, but that’s on the 10 for being dumb enough to stay in one spot.

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Look, agree to disagree, but bottom line is I loathe you for making me think about math and science this early in the morning.

On topic, they were correct that number ratio is a direct impact upon WPVP.

Why anyone would rejoice over this is beyond me. Oh wait, you’re a retail player. Never mind. Enjoy your dress up and pet battles.


thats not gorilla tactics thats just a gank sqaud…

As a person that also is delighted with the result, my two reasons are:

  • This was an obvious result that everyone on imbalanced servers said would never happen and is a potential outcome for them

  • It makes valid said concern that something should be done about it.

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Do you have any butter? :cocktail:

I never said it had no impact. I simply said that’s what they signed up for and they could have a lot of fun overcoming it if they actually organized and fought back instead of whining on these forums.

Also MWAHAHAHAH think more on math and science. Numbers! Statistics! Experiments! Make that brain smoke!

That’s EXACTLY what guerrilla tactics are. Hit and run, bleed your enemy and move on before you can be overwhelmed. Did you think it meant recruiting actual apes to your army or something?

What kind of evil, foul being are you!? D:!!!

Your tears are delicious. You seem very upset, perhaps some warm milk and a nap?

Not all statistics are the boogey man. In fact we use statistics all the time in studies which are completely valid.

In this case let’s look at the facts, the numbers aren’t in Alliance favor, statistics show Alliance have a disadvantage when it comes to racials, places to level that aren’t contested, numbers and for the sake of it we’ll toss in organization. This makes faction imbalance even greater.

Let’s look at warfare, there have been peoples who used guerrilla tactics, skill and battlefield prowess to defeat their foes and still lost the war because they couldn’t deal with the overwhelming numbers. We know this to be the case, it’s a fact. So to imply one can win when one side’s numbers keep decreasing an the other’s increasing by tactics alone is wrong.

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you said out numbered faction could win a fight. what you are discribing is not that situation. 10 people running around an entire zone to gank, is not 10 people using guerilla tactics to defeats a larger force.