Can someone answer that phone?

The same principal applies. Maybe the solution it to be like Ramsey and have 20 good men.

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Then it goes back to my point that things simply will not change until you get more people to actually want to PvP as Alliance. Alliance hasn’t shown up in the same numbers as Horde for a DECADE now, when it comes to PvP. Blizzard literally has to bribe them to even consider turning it on in Retail, and even then not enough do it.

Part of it is racials, sure, but more, I think, weight could be put on the aesthetics and philosophy of the factions. Look at the two most populous Horde races in PvP: orcs and undead. They have an ‘in your face’ aesthetic that appeals more to the PvP crowd. Alliance, on the other hand, have humans (knights in shining armor), which doesn’t have the same kind of heavy metal appeal. Which is part of the reason Alliance numbers tend to be higher on PvE realms.

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You cannot get more people to pvp if you’re maxed out on the 60’s who can pvp while the other faction is not. It’s not rocket science here people.

No matter how you slice it, numbers matter. It’s just how it is.


It’s not any kind of science. Perhaps, that’s the issue.

Numbers and statistics are not science, gotcha.


20 organized pvpers using proper guerrilla tactics can wipe out 4-5 times their number of unorganized mob tactics. The problem is every time the outnumbered faction DOES organize, they have no idea what they’re doing and just stay in one choke point until they get surrounded or enough numbers gather at their location to wipe them, then getting everyone alive again is extremely difficult.

Speaking from experience here. 20ish Alliance holed up in the canyon between Kargath and Thorium, and managed to hold off a ton of Horde with healers in the back. Until we simply went around them and hit them from both sides, because they stayed in that Canyon for the 15+ minutes it took us to do so. Then i cannibalized their corpses, because they were idiots

Move from location to location, slaughter the Horde you find and ride on to another location. Never stay in one spot for more than the few minutes it takes you to kill. Hunt those that hunt you. You CAN do this, and it’s what you signed up for when you rolled PVP, but the vast majority of you would rather whine to Blizzard or flee to easier servers.


That’s completely different from what I am stating. Please explain how that is not obvious.

What statistics and numbers are you claiming?

He doesn’t seem to understand what science is.

Science is hypothesis, research, experimentation.

Simply keeping track of numbers and statistics is accounting, not science.

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Science also includes fact and math is apart of Scientific evaluation. Just sayin.

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No, math is a tool used in Science, it is not itself science.

Further facts are not science, facts are things DERIVED from science.

Heck Science begins as a Hypothesis and 99% of science is DISPROVING said Hypothesis.

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Statistics is a mathematical science pertaining to the collection, analysis, interpretation or explanation, and presentation of data. … Statistics are also used for making informed decisions. Statistical methods can be used to summarize or describe a collection of data; this is called descriptive statistics .


Yes, when you use statistics to prove a hypothesis, then you are performing science. But statistics themselves are not science, they’re just another tool. Why is this so hard for some people >.>

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its very very very very unlikely that one person could rally 300 or 10% of thier faction to one area.

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Except… in their example, this is applicable.

I would agree. However that is an organization problem, not a numbers issue.

PVP servers could be so much fun for you guys if you had actually rolled on PVP servers to PVP. But you didn’t, you rolled their for the other benefits, “higher pops, more twinks to sell to, etc.” And now you regret your decision.

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what is a guarrila tactics in a video game…

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Right up until they just blatantly stated math and statistics are science. They aren’t.
They can be used in science, but they can also be used in marketing or other deceptive practices that are quite the opposite of science.

I feel like you could add, “foster community” to that as well.

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Hit and run. Just that simple. Every time you guys organize you stay in one general location, that location gets called out and you get swarmed.

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Except that a numbers issue keeps appearing in these problems. Is it only numbers? No, organization also matters except that you lot are trying to claim numbers have no barring on the issue then move the goal posts.