Can someone answer that phone?

Oh for gods sake are you being purposely obtuse. Almost NOTHING is always, bad. Many many times statistics are used properly in the pursuit of science, but that does not make statistics themselves science. That’s all.

And the most powerful country in the world beat an Empire with an Army 100 times their size thanks to an Ocean and those self same tactics.

Are you on drugs? That IS winning the fight. If your enemy dies and you don’t, you win. That’s what war is.

still not “guarrila” tactics and not your original point all. went from saying the smaller armies could beat bigger armies too “people can gank”.

You keep trying to imply statistics are invalid.

The victory is never secured if the numbers keep coming. I believe there is a certain group of people who lost their entire continent due to numbers despite using superior tactics. Superior tactics only works if you can keep the numbers from increasing, in this case Alliance is decreasing while Horde is increasing.

You cannot win this battle of attrition.

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Alrighty i’m 90% sure you’re trolling at this point, if not you’re just so dumb i can’t even.

Last time. Guerrila tactics is hit and run. If a smaller army uses those tactics to defeat a larger army, then they win. It is not ganking when you’re outnumbered 5 to 1 but still win because you’re more organized. I will not reply to you further.

if your definition of winning is getting a kill in pvp then i guess you can “win”.

Only if you stay in one place for those numbers to keep coming, and i never implied statistics are invalid, i simply stated they aren’t themselves science.

Science is a process.

no one in wow wins 5 to 1 fights unless there is a huge gear difference. that is the point.

Not all statistics are particularly valid though.

Do we have any statistics in mind that we are discussing in this thread?

Let’s say Horde decide to split up and attack several areas that Alliance cannot cover, what then? Oh sounds like a numbers issue. What good are your tactics then?

Face it, numbers matter and numbers are what is the problem.

Is the problem non existent on servers with relatively good faction balance?

The thing about guerrilla tactics is that at some point, the guerrilla’s have a location to disappear from the larger engaging force.

In WoW… where do you go?

Say for example you have 20 one one faction(dominant) (A) and then a guerilla force (B) comes in with about 25’ish for the edge, sweeps them and then A begins to call reinforcements.

B remains at 25 (as they probably capping around there with resources) while A spikes to about 60. You’re almost a 3 to 1, but attempt to apply guerrilla tactics.

If you’re in the EPL and engage a group that branched off, swept them, your position will be called.

If any one member is noticed by A, you are doomed. A will converge and you will then have to flee, or engage.

Engaging means time bought for A and they will close in.

Fleeing just allows a scout to continue to follow you while the mass of A closes in.

There’s no guerrilla tactic able to be used except by stealth groups.

Guerrilla warfare is a form of irregular warfare in which small groups of combatants, such as paramilitary personnel, armed civilians, or irregulars, use military tactics including ambushes, sabotage, raids, petty warfare , hit-and-run tactics , and mobility, to fight a larger and less-mobile traditional military.

The other thing about guerrilla tactics is that last part.

The large force is as mobile as the small force.

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I don’t think Tuna melts are what is being talked about. In regards to your question, I’d say Jose Conseco only admitted to steroids because he was caught and didn’t want to suffer like Pete rose did.

Other than that I’m not sure how Ancient aliens even works as a theory for why Ireland grows the best potatoes.


If no Alliance are there for them to kill then it doesn’t matter. Jesus you and the other guy both seem to think if you’re not constantly camping all Horde corpses then you aren’t winning.

You don’t want to win, you want to dominate, and that is the REAL problem here.

  1. If they coordinate and cut you off, then they organized, and THAT is why they won.
  2. Part of guerrila tactics is knowing your terrain. EPL is a canyon with 1 real exit surround on most sides by impassable terrain. If you’re even there then you have no idea what you’re doing as a Guerrilla.

So now they’re using scouts? Face it, everything you described is strategy used to counter yours. An earned victory.

Again, we can talk tactics all day, but the base advantage to guerrilla warfare is a small mobile unit vs a large encumbered one.

It doesn’t apply here as the larger force is as mobile as the small one.

Well the Horde has certainly won the war on most servers.

Personally the vast majority of my PvP will be battlegrounds so if the alliance server transfer it doesn’t bother me at all.

It just means we won.

Was hoping to find one of you today. How do you feel that is a win?

Beaten to the point you tuck tail and run so far away (I.e. another server) that you are never seen again is waving the white flag of surrender.

When one glorious army, The Horde, over run the insignificant alliance to the point that there are almost none left then that’s a win.

The Horde have won the war on most servers.

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Look, that’s all well and good when it’s anything other than a video game.

Is the goal like actual war where the enemy is totally eliminated and then there is no one else? If so, then like actual war, you’ll end this ‘glorious’ victory when your opposing faction no longer plays.

In turn, how many of your ‘glorious’ comrades will continue to play with massive pvp queues and WPvP beaten out of the server.

Well, if they are there for the PVP… I would wager not long.

Then, they move on to other things. Their ‘glorious’ army is now shrinking because no one is left to conquer.

You have a few ‘glorious’ holdouts, maybe some like on Flamelash where they just sit in the enemy cities enjoying the spoils of a ‘glorious’ win.

But then even more quit because that gets boring too.

Then, it’s just you… and your ‘glorious’ sense of win.

Also you got this real ‘I’m my actual character’ thing going on so it’s hard to tell if you’re RPing or… something else.

But, the point is, the ‘glorious’ win will end up with no one playing in the long run.

Not sure how ‘glorious’ that would be after all.

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Well I’m glad that we agree that the mighty Horde has won.

There were long queues on private servers due to the imbalance but on the Classic servers there are battle group clusters of multiple servers so the wait will not really be noticeable.

Would you like a monument or just a medal?

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