Trying to level my enchanting and on day 1 my main enchanter could DE absolutely everything… I try today and only ONE item can be disenchanted… was there some kind of hotfix to stop us from DEing items from quests and BOE greens??? I have almost 15 BOE greens that cannot be disenchanted that are drops from maldraxxus… I am very confused and disappointed if so, coz how else are we supposed to actually level this profession if we cant disenchant anything???
Yea, I noticed this as well. Trying to take advantage of epic upgrades to get some easy eternal crystals.
Yes, once Ion and the mythic raiders do content it gets nerfed and/or restricted so the general wow audience cannot exploit it in the same manner.
Wow needs a new game director.
I wondered what was going on, I had some pieces that I could not DE. Jeez man. Yeah I made the right decision cancelling my sub this evening.
been wanting a new game director since MoP when he took away our talent tree
That this game gets tuned for the .01% of players is honestly frustrating. This started out as a great experience and is quickly turning into a frustrating one. My alt has gone from 50 to 59 being able to disenchant a whopping 3 pieces of gear, and those were pieces I got as drops from a dungeon that I replaced later with a quest item. No BOEs I have on ANY of my SL toons can be disenchanted. Where the hell are we supposed to get mats from now exactly?!
So what do I have to do to be able to DE the greens I was previously DEing without issue? Max level and a 200ilvl?
Edit; Bug report form seems to have found that ilvl 100+ CAN be DE’d, under that canNOT be DE’d. Can anyone confirm?
Would also like to know. My hunter was able to DE every boe and quest item on the first week with no issue. I was even able to restore some stuff I accidentally vendored and DE it. Now I have 30+ pieces sitting in my alts bag that is ALL “cannot be disenchanted” and I just want to scream -_-
I will try to DE something over 100 and get back to you in a moment!
EDIT: Item levels 129 and beyond are DEable according to my mouseover on the AH, but not sure about below that. Still, I have boatloads of items from earlier questing that should be DEable imo! What a BAD decision for them to do this.
Wait… What happened here? All equipment that can be vendored that is uncommon or better should be disenchantable. Are you sure this isn’t a bug? We should submit a bug.
Confirmed what Minding sayd, 100+ ilvl (129 for me) seems to be DEable but anything below that no… so any greens you find before ilvl 100 and quest gear is apparently no longer disenchantable -_- meaning I have to wait to level my alliance enchanting (which I just started) until I am almost 60… atrocious.
Well if this isn’t a bug and done intentionally, that is extremely corrupt.
I submitted a bug because I tried it myself and it’s broken.
Item cannot be disenchanted - Support / Bug Report - World of Warcraft Forums (
Gross. Thank you for checking!
Really hope it’s a bug and not Blizzard being Blizzard. (Honestly, the devs should really be concerned that we have zero trust in them. Your customers immediately thinking you’re pulling shady stuff on them instead of thinking it’s a bug says A LOT.)
Its not a bug, its intended to prevent power leveling DE.
It was undocumented as far as I know, so intentional or not, it’s super lame on the devs’ part to not at least say “Hey looking into it” or “Yeah we changed it, news soon” since it’s pretty impactful.
And this is why we don’t trust them.
Wow if this was intentional… well I can’t say what I want because…
Even more reason to just do the story quests and get to 60 as soon as possible.
Talent tree went before MoP and wasnt Ion’s call.
To be fair, talent trees were “illusion of choice”. There was only 1 correct choice in trees: ST and AOE. Some skills were just to good to not put into it over others that would bury your dps or make your dps shine. Talent trees do not work, as show by talent picks.
The talent trees were not removed until MoP.
Cataclysm altered the way that you spend points in talent trees, but they still existed.

To be fair, talent trees were “illusion of choice”. There was only 1 correct choice in trees: ST and AOE. Some skills were just to good to not put into it over others that would bury your dps or make your dps shine. Talent trees do not work, as show by talent picks.
A) This is false.
B) What makes you think that the current version, with even less choice, is any better?