Can not withdraw gold from guild bank

I have a bank toon, he’s the guild master, he can not withdraw gold so you might have just gotten lucky.

I solved this problem by not having gold.

But that solution obviously isn’t for everyone.


Still bugged, blizzard, please fix this!!!

You deposit 1 gold and then take out 100 gold. Deposit 1 gold, take out 200 gold. Deposit 1 gold, take out 400 gold. Rinse and repeat, doubling the amount you want each time until the desired amount is withdrawn.

Tedious, but it works.

Credit to a Discord user called Skalor. Also Credit to Layalina on the EU forums who shared this with me

Took me 3min to withdraw my FULL 1.5mil gold doing this


Settle down, Karen. Stuff breaks, it gets fixed, life goes on. It happens in literally every game.

Can confirm this works. With just a handful of deposits I was able to start taking 25k+ per.


Same. Before I knew it I was at 200k per. Now my gold is in my WB bank. Thank god!

No need to use my guild bank for gold anymore. I like this better bec I can now also use Jeevs for WB Bank access :slight_smile:

Doesn’t surprise me in the slightest… :unamused:

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What worked for me to remove 500,000 gold from the guild bank quickly was to withdraw the max i could one time, deposit one gold, then withdraw again doubling the amount from the previous withdraw. I just kept repeating that process and was able to withdraw 500k very quickly without relogging.


Can confirm that this works!

Withdrew 1k gold from personal guild bank on GL toon who has unlimited withdrawal permission, deposited 1g, withdrew 2,001g, deposited 1g, withdrew 4,001g, etc. until I had enough to purchase the first 4 Warband bank slots.

When I tried to remove gold from my guild bank the bank balance decreased, but did not go into my bag. I am missing about 4200g from my bank now.

After I deleted my WTF folder and reloaded my UI I was able to withdraw gold, but my guild bank balance (and bag balance) is still short about 4200g.

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Best workaround I’ve seen yet. Was able to double my withdraw each time with deposits of 1g each time till i was able to get what i needed without the need to relog.

I have been trying to get the gold out of my guild, which I am the GM of. I will try this.


Follow the steps in my other thread below. No nothing but what said to do in bold.

It will work. Has for EVERYONE who has tried and did what was said. Please comment in this thread after. It needs bump anyway.


Does not work for me

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You deposit 1 gold and then take out 100 gold. Deposit 1 gold, take out 200 gold. Deposit 1 gold, take out 400 gold. Rinse and repeat, doubling the amount you want each time until the desired amount is withdrawn.

Follow that step by step

Does. Not. Work. For. Me.

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Are you trying to withdraw on the same server the guild is on? Xrealm Trading is disabled atm. So you would only be able to withdraw on the server the guild is on

I was the same - unable to withdraw Gbank gold.

but using the method above (deposit 1g remove Xg) it worked for me, although I did have to start at 10g withdrawl

Same, none of my officers nor GM on personal guild bank can withdraw any gold. Warband bank deposit and withdrawals work fine.

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