Can not withdraw gold from guild bank

Having this issue as well. Super frustrating since I can’t buy the warbank tabs now =(

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I can confirm that this does in fact work.

Shame on Blizz for not publicly acknowledge this game-breaking bug has been widely reported since the Pre-Patch went live though. Hopefully they’re working on fixing it.

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I was finally able to get my gold by depositing a gold and then withdrawing gold in increasing amounts. Every once in a while, I’d have to deposit one gold before withdrawing more.


Same boat. Trying to scrape together the gold to buy warband tabs and I’m just out of luck because guild bank withdrawals are so bad.


This also worked for me.

I had to do low sums to get at least 1k gold on my person to be able to pull 1k out of my bank in the first pull after logging on.

Adding in that I am also having this issue. I was trying to clean out some old gbanks from other severs and cannot get the gold. Was able to w/d a couple times at smaller amounts but then that stopped working as well. Please fix this.


blizzard need to fix this asap, i used to use my guild bank as personal bank, now i cant get my gold back

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I can’t upvote that enough. Thanks!

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I can confirm this works but the intervals is equal to your gold… if you have 10k, then
withdraw 10k
deposit 1g
withdraw 20k (you should now have 20k)
deposit 1g
withdraw 40k (you should have 40K)
and over again until you got what you need. No reload needed!


Definitely works but it’s stupid that this is the only workaround. They should have fixed this issue already.

Thank you for sharing it though. Much appreciated.

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LOL i only have 1 gold

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Sell a few gray items.

On your way to wealth and glory.

This is working for me. Glad there is a work around, but man it’s annoying.

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Same here. I tried copper and silver, no problem. I started at 10 gold, moved up to 1000 gold, then 300 gold, then nothing. Now I can’t even get 10 gold.
I’m in a personal guild, and this is with all my characters on the server.

As a side note: What does it mean when the word withdrew is in red on the money log?

Yeah just tried to take out some gold and could not!

Same problem here, on both alliance and Horde guild banks (on same realm). Before the last patch I could only withdraw 500 gold or none, and after the patch I can withdraw 2000 gold or none (2000 gold seems to work more often and with more toons than 500 gold did). Addons disabled, UI reset, WTF and Cache folders deleted, Interface folder renamed, computer rebooted numerous times. All the things.

Well done! that worked. Many thanks :slight_smile:

Yeah same here, have 130k in there. The deposit 1 and withdraw thing doesn’t work for me.

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Are you only taking out what you currently have on you, ie, if you have 873g in your bags, withdrawing 873g, then deposit 1g, then take out 1744g

Looks like they’ve finally acknowledged the issue, but don’t have a workaround or a timeline for resolution: