Can not withdraw gold from guild bank

The bug seems to be connected to the war banks because if I withdraw from the war bank after trying to withdraw from the guild bank, then it works. But I have to keep going back-and-forth in order to do it because it stops after a while, but it always lets me after I take it out of the war bank, that’s my work around with it. It’s annoying, but I’m able to get the money out of there if I do that, so the bug is related to this new war bank thing it seems.

I was finally able to do this today. What I found was I could only withdraw up to the amount of gold I was carrying. If I had 100 gold on my character, I could withdraw 100 gold from the guildbank. I’d then have to go to the warbank, deposit what I had, and then withdraw it again. Then I could go back the the guildbank with 200 gold and withdraw an additional 200. It took a minute or two, but I was able to get it all out.


This does not work for me.

Guild fix is tuesday anyway. 11.0.2

Still not fixed.


8/11/2024 - Gold Withdraw From Guild Bank Bug -

Temporary and Helpful Workaround to Withdrawing Gold From Guild Bank Account:

This odd and annoying BUG is something I never experienced or seen in WoW, however, here is one temporary solution I found to this wacky bug problem, and although it is tedious and messed up for this is to be happening, all players who own or have access to Guild accounts, can in fact withdraw Gold, but only 1,000 (1K) at a time, which is very frustrating, but at least it works, as I withdrew gold myself but only 1K gold at a time.

NOTE: This workaround is not guaranteed since I just tried it and after I tried taking out 1K gold the third time it fails! THIS IS JUST A COMPLETELY BROKEN DAMN MESS, AND BLIZZARD NEEDS TO FIX IT ASAP!!! - NOW THE “Withdraw” Button is grayed out!! This just damn awful! What the hell is going on with this bug in WoW!!??


It is clear there is a limitation bug on Gold withdraws using our guild accounts for some odd reason. So while this ridiculous BS bug remains, we can withdraw 1K gold at a time as a workaround for now, until Blizzard fixes this damn big! -

I rarely complain about WoW, but this bug is totally unacceptable and should NOT be happening, especially for a game we all pay for!

I hope this helps anyone who is having problems accessing their gold in their WoW guild accounts, because of Blizzard failing to do it’s job properly for all players who pay and support WoW! Let’s hope Blizzard fixes this damn bug problem asap for all players! - JJ -


Can confirm: Pulling 700k of gold out of my own guild bank 1k at a time is a PAIN IN THE ROYAL BEHIND!

Please, get your stuff together Blizzard, and fix this!

Don’t really pay for a subscription to spend several hours pulling my own gold out of my own guild bank!


Replying to OP:

  • Updated - 8-13-2024 -

This BUG issue remains unresolved. Send in a support ticket as I did. I just sent in a support ticket for this bug issue. This should NOT be happening in the game at all, especially for a game we pay for and support. This is just wrong and unacceptable for this to be unresolved for this long!! -

This is VERY messed up for all players who pay for and support WoW as I do, and mind you, this is my favorite Blizzard game of all time. I love WoW! But I never experienced this type of wacky bug issue in the game, ever! It’s totally messed up and disruptive.

Let’s hope Blizzard fixes this ongoing bug issue very soon! We waited long enough! - JJ -


You’re wrong, still bugged.


I can deal with most bug issues in any game, but preventing players from accessing and withdrawing their own gold from the Guild Bank is just outrageous and wrong, especially for a game we all pay for! And since last month we have not been able to access and withdraw our own gold! This is totally messed up!

Blizzard Management and Devs needs to address and fix this major bug issue ASAP! This BS BUG is NOT acceptable! - JJ -

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This major bug issue needs to be fixed by Blizzard ASAP! This is so irresponsible and wrong! - JJ -

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I believe Blizzard will eventually fix this bug issue, but this is just beyond the norm and for something like this to happen is rare, but not having the ability to withdraw our own gold from the Guild Bank in the game is just very bad and not acceptable for Blizzard to leave unresolved. It’s pretty damn neglectful and wrong!

Let’s hope Blizzard fixes this awful bug very soon! It’s long overdue! - JJ -

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I don’t know if it worked because weird hidden caps; but it worked. Drove friends on discord crazy with laughter, but it worked! Thanks for the tip. :coin:

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yep. got 8 mill and cant touch any of it…

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This worked for me thank you.
Deposited 1g then withdrew 10K, rinse repeat.

Not working for me. Have tried all different amounts from 1 gold to 10,000 gold and cannot withdraw any gold from my own personally-owned guild, of which I am the only member. Very annoying. Has been like this for this character for more than 3 weeks now.


Well, same here. Getting a little long in the tooth. Very annoying.

Edit: I am not using any add on


Blizz c’mon!!! How much longer do you have to hope to get your gold? Nothing works for me… all addons are off and the bank is still holding on to my money. :(((


I was able to do it earlier in the week, but haven’t played for the past few days. I will check and see. Sorry you and all of us have to go through this very frustrating and unacceptable damn bug issue with WoW. This is definitely a rare bug, because I never experienced a bug like this in WoW, ever. Very disappointing this has remained unresolved for this long! - JJ -

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It looks like it’s finally fixed. Months later. As Tychus Findlay once said, “hell, it’s about time.”