Found a FIX for the Guild Bank Gold Withdraw issue!

Posting this just to be helpful.

If you are like me pre-warband and kept all your Gold in a Guildbank and you cant withdraw Gold from your Guild Bank. I have found a BANDAID fix for the Guild Bank issue. Here is the fix.

You deposit 1 gold and then take out 100 gold. Deposit 1 gold, take out 200 gold. Deposit 1 gold, take out 400 gold. Rinse and repeat, doubling the amount you want each time until the desired amount is withdrawn.

Tedious, but it works.

Credit to a Discord user called Skalor. Also Credit to Layalina on the EU forums who shared this with me

Took me 3min to withdraw my FULL 1.5mil gold doing this


This worked like a champ - thank you so much for sharing!

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I’ve heard its actually that you can withdraw more than you have, so you withdraw what you have, deposit 1, withdraw what you have

Untrue. Whats I said above is true. I got to the point where I was taking out 200k when I only had 50k. So what you “heard” is untrue. Sorry trying to stop misinformation spreading.

Glad I could help

I also noticed that all of my guild officers (and other levels) had their rights taken away for withdrawing gold from the guild bank. That was weird, since it’s all of my own characters are the officers and I would never have taken that right away from them.

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I mean, considering multiple people said it worked this way, maybe it works both ways /shrug

Bumping since folks are not seeing this and are still making Threads on it asking for help.

How long will it take me to withdraw 1 mil? I was saving up for the bug mount and finally have enough, but most of it is stuck in gbank :man_standing:

Took me under 3min to withdraw 1.5m. You are can start TRYING to up the withdraw rate faster. Just make sure you double it each time. For instance once you hit 10k rate double it to 20k next time. Then 40k and so on. Teadus but it works

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It might depend on the player/character. I tried this strat on the Guild Master here, always starting from 1000, and doubling the value everytime I’d withdraw goldm always depositing 1g before each try.

1k_2k_4k_8k_16k_32k_64k_128k_256k_512k_1024m, and so on, depending on how much you’ve got there.

It has nothing to do with the player/character. It depends on the starting about in the Gbank. Higher the amount the hire # you can start with. I worded the way I did so it could work for everyone regardless of how much is in the Gbank