Can Non-RPers just leave the RP realms?

They used to have their own rules and reportable actions related to non-RP behavior, dunno why they got all soft on them.

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I personally donā€™t RP much but itā€™s relaxing and enjoyable. RP people/guilds are also some of the best that WoW community has to offer. Itā€™s been a great experience for me. Soooooo much better than Stormrage on Retail.

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Itā€™s about immersion.

If everybody is named stuff like Garunthel, Hormal, or Freendel and you see someone named Superbigdixx itā€™s going to break immersion.


Whatā€¦Why? Have you tried it lately?

Weā€™ll end up with a bunch of orcs named ā€œTravisā€ and humans named ā€œIkabodā€

Ya, I smash report button on every single non RP name and guild name I see even within my own guild. Rules are in place for a reason.

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Everytime I see < Guild XYGK> running around, I know weā€™re doing a good job.

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People here are quick to tell anyone who complains about pvp realms that the pvp rules are the rules and if they donā€™t like it they should reroll on pve server. Well the rp rules are the rules too. If you think theyā€™re dumb reroll on an non-rp server or donā€™t roll there in the first place.


I donā€™t even have a dog in this race, but I see where the RPers are coming from.

If you roll on an RP/RPPVP server and you donā€™t intend to RP, at least have an RP-ish name. The RPers donā€™t care if you arenā€™t in character, they do care if your name is Jimstowing or Ipwnnoobs

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What does that have to do with what he said? Like im trying to get on board but you RP guys make it so hard. Linking rules repeatedly isnt the way to make others care about this haha. You have ignore like the rest of us, he had a valid question.

I literally always use an actual fantasy name I come up with like this one, but I dont really care if others dont want to.

I donā€™t RP but join RP servers for the community. I initially rolled on a PvP server in Vanilla and was quite disgusted with the toxic community, rolled on a PvE server when BGs came out and it wasnā€™t that much better and finally found my home on a RP server.

This is the reason why I picked a RP server for Classic and am very happy that I did so as BB has one of the nicest community Iā€™ve experienced in WoW, IMHO.

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Ignore lists are Finite, thereā€™s only so many people you can put on ignore.
In furtherance: You cannot block someoneā€™s non-RP name by putting them on ignore.

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His post basically said ā€œIā€™ll roll wherever I damn well want, rules be damned.ā€

Iā€™ve had a few people with foul names saying ā€œI donā€™t give a fk what you think about my name RP is for nerds. I saw PVP tag so I rolled hereā€

Yup, I agree 1000000%. I myself have a toon on Deviate Delight because my old guild wanted to play there. I am not a big RP guy, tho I do dabble and stay in character in /s and party. But itā€™s not about me. Itā€™s about why they gave the RP community their own realms. They put up with enough BS. Let them have their realms for RP, without having to deal with trolls n jerks.


To me itā€™s similar to going to another country and just expecting them to change what they do and how they name their children because youā€™re a selfish, self centered a-hole. It doesnā€™t work like thatā€¦ and too many people think it does.


BEST SOLVE - Turn off Raid content, open transfers OFF the server to PVE realms and majority of the problem solved, done! Did your job for you Blizzard, now pvp balancing thatā€™s your issue lol :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh I have reported a guild like that too lol. They were forced to change. I LOLd at em.

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ā€œWorld PvP and ganking can be frustratingā€ - ā€œGo play PVE NOOB LOLZā€

ā€œStop disrupting RP and abide by RP server rules or leaveā€ - ā€œNU I PAYZ MONEYā€

The hypocrisy is astounding. There are so many PvP servers, thereā€™s zero reason to pick RP-PVP if youā€™re not going to at least not be a jerk.


Bwahaha, itā€™s so amusing that people are still having this argument so far from where that post came from. Then again, who am i to say? Half the people think my name isnā€™t RP enough others do.

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