Can Non-RPers just leave the RP realms?

There should have been changes to RP realms particularly at character creation.

Until your name was vetted you would just be {Race}{Class}.

GM intervention would have been nice. A system to schedule an RP GM to enforce the rules during an RP event.

Buuuut sadly,

Blizz only cares about raiders. It’s the easiest content to design and they know it works and how it works. Focusing on RP/the world would be to hurt their bread and butter - and the birds who love raiding.

It’s too late for RP enforcement now though - let the worst people stay and have WoW so the rest of us can play the new Non-WoW Clones coming out soonTM.

Yeah I agree with OP.

I do not RP. But even on non RP realms I like to give my characters somewhat believable in-world backstories and decent names.

And I do like to play in the immersive atmosphere of an RP realm when I’m sick of all the crap on regular PvP servers in particular. So I have a couple characters I casually play a little on Grobbulus. In the short time I’ve spent there I’ve seen a LOT of players rolling troll characters just to try to ruin immersion for people just for lulz. It’s really not cool.

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I used to actually RP in WoW back in 2004 and a little bit after getting out of the Army in 2010. I’ve also RP’d in a few other MMORPGs. I don’t anymore, and the reason why is most RPers are utter garbage when it comes to it.

They get bent out of shape over just even perceived slights. And they mostly devolve into little cliques and ignore everyone else. But then will complain that their RP server is dying when their clique slowly whittles itself down.

But the worst part is since there is no consequences to actions made in Roleplay. Everyone plays these ‘perfect’ flawless characters that can never be defeated or trifled with. They Metagame, Powergame, and God Mode their way through situations, marysuing it up, with nothing to really stop them from doing so. Justifying it through their little cliques.

At the end of the day, its just a few misfits acting out questionable fantasies in a virtual safespace. Just being utterly honest about that. That in itself isn’t necessarily a bad thing. But the amount of mental abuse they give to one another through drama is crazy.

So I really don’t have the sympathy I might have had towards RP servers a while ago. And I would say to anyone looking for a decent RP experience, don’t do it in a MMORPG. Instead try a survival game where the server is hosted by players so that they aren’t bound by shareholders and business codes.

This way things such as Godmodding and metagaming are actually punishable offenses. Blizzard could NEVER do that themselves. Which makes RP in WoW a deteriorated experience.

And now we have this thread. Telling non-RPers to get off the RP servers. This is one of those percieved slights I mentioned. The majority of people who don’t RP, and do play on RP servers usually do so because its a slower paced atmosphere.

Usually RP servers have a reputation for being nicer than normal servers. This was true… on Firona Vie in Everquest back BEFORE 2003. But since then, the reputation is not deserved.

I mean you’ll see people be nice to you, when you’re new and they haven’t decided if they want you in their clique or not. But over time the newness will wear off. Over time you’ll see the drama and the nastiness that inevitably sets in.

Not all RPers do this. But its a bit more than half from what I’ve seen over the last 20 years. But it appears most and close to all do some form of metagaming for personal advancement or mary suing that just makes you roll your eyes. Even the most harmless RPers appear to do the things in RP they always warn you NOT to do.

Those of you looking for a great RP experience… I don’t recommend it in MMORPGs. I just really don’t. It doesn’t give a great platform for it. Something like Conan Exiles, maybe similar games like Rust of Ark possibly, Neverwinter Nights is a decent one from what I’ve heard from friends with RP servers that have ran for years, and even Minecraft is possible if you can get past the blocky aesthetic, though the average player age on that last one is going to be much lower, so beware if you’re doing any sort of adult themes.

What does it matter even if you have a 60 character, if you love classic so much then just re-roll on another server. But I get it, time invested

if you want them to leave… why would you be against them getting a transfer?

seems counter intuitive. Let them go and you have your server how you want it

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Its the same type of people that roll on PK realms and complain they got PKD

Does kind of lend to the pettiness I mentioned earlier in the thread. Its not enough that they leave. But they have to be punished with rerolling as well. Offended by a small slight… a perceived one at that.

I didn’t even touch on the sensitivity of many RPers earlier either. One of the things I do like about my current server (not RP) and guild is I can crack jokes like I did while in the Army. Which is great because I typically play with other veterans.

We’re not politically correct. We don’t go out of our way to offend people by it. But lets just say we wouldn’t be able to run for any office if some of our discord made it to light in the current culture. But I’d say most guilds are like this on normal servers, not just veteran inhabited ones.

But in RP servers… even back in 2002 there were certain things that were utterly taboo that in a normal guild you wouldn’t even think such things could be. I can’t imagine what its like now.

But that’s the result of many of them being people, in real life, with some issues. And they need a spot online to get away from those issues. Again I don’t want to say that is wrong for them to do. But I will say that self-censoring and walking on eggshells in those settings is just not a level of stress I need. So RP servers just aren’t for me anymore. But that is something people rolling on those servers need to be aware of.

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I put my furry cat costume on 1 paw at a time just like the rest of you!

Guilds do what guilds do. I wouldn’t try to micromanage them. It’s probable that I wouldn’t fit in your guild.And I’m a veteran. I wouldn’t try to change it. I’d just leave. So why would it be a problem for you if your humor wasn’t accepted in the guilds I want to be in. Just leave. For you it seems like walking on eggshells. For me it doesn’t. I’m not self censoring. That’s actually who I am, what I think, and how I behave naturally.

Very few people on rp servers want to force people to pay to leave. The vast majority would be happy to give rp-griefers a free transfer off. But you don’t know why the op is angry and over reacting. There are people who will go out of their way to ruin rp-ers fun. Get in the conversation, attempt to disrupt it. It would be like you being at a bus stop chatting with a friend with some stranger listening it and interrupting with insulting comments. I doubt that you would tolerate it. It would likely make you angry. You might in a moment of anger suggest they should be punished for their rude behavior in some excessive way.

I did leave. As every guild on the RP servers were like that, I left RP servers. I made that decision about 8 years ago. And I did so as a RPer. RPers are not innocent by any means.

As I said, MMORPGs are just not a good platform for RP. Its horrible. If you haven’t tried player ran servers of games that allow for it, I highly recommend it if you do RP.

I’m looking at you, Grobbulus.

What does innocence have to do with anything? There are 7 billion people in the world. 350 million Americans. I live in a small town of 800 people. And I don’t even like everyone of them and some of them don’t like me. I hang with the people I like. If I go to some group event and it turns out there are too many people I don’t like I won’t join that group. That’s the whole story. Guilt or innocence has nothing to do with it.

They’ve always had an air of arrogance, as indicated by the OP saying this:

“go back to your own kind”

Like non-RPers are some hated minority that needs to be snuffed out. And its telling that the only RPer calling out this behavior is one who doesn’t engage in it anymore in this game.

The evidence as to why, speaks for itself.


You are literally coming across as an impatient man child.

let them RP the way they want yo

That is a good idea!

No, I multibox 24 accounts on classic.