Rp’ers whine so dam much like just put someone on ignore if they are ruining your experience just like the rest of us. You are not entitled to some special privilege, we all pay 15$ a month to play the game
and also must avoid being disruptive to the world.
States they aren’t entitled.
Provides flimsy reason to enable bad behavior.
This is unnecessarily aggressive and makes you just as bad as them, but aren’t RP realms subjected to a different ruleset, like can’t you get people actioned for doing that stuff?
They should just implement a system where they filter the names through the guy at the DOMV who screens the vanity plate applications.
There are people being annoying on my realm too, but guess what I can put them on ignore so I don’t see it anymore. I guess this isn’t good enough for RP’ers they require some special punishment be handed down for “Their” servers because they are special!!
You’re a good reason I prefer RPPVP servers.
Other realms can keep that drama queen stuff over there.
I’m stealing those names for my alts.
Those are probably fine on PVP servers.
I like the concept of RP, but this thread is why I don’t go near RP realms. Feels very hostile for some reason like a hot, moist day in the south.
Just probably a more severe situation that hit a boiling point.
Most RP’ers I’ve known are pretty chill.
Some can be on the more ‘elaborate’ side.
But they are. The different rules for rp realms are clearly laid out in the tos we all agreed to, most of us who played for years agreed several times. If you didn’t bother to read the tos and rolled on the wrong realm the solution is to reroll on a different realm with some different rules. Same solution for those who rolled on pvp realms and didn’t like it.
On one hand I can see why it’s best to leave RP’ers to do their thing.
On the other hand you got super tilted about someone’s name like it’s going to ruin a 40 minute discussion about a worg you killed when you see them run past and that’s a bit childish.
That is one ANGRY night elf.
Jeez, you think someone set fire to the great tree or something. Lol
I would have to agree. I haven’t seen this much heat since RPPVP servers were announced.
You’ll find a lot of ‘heated’ gatekeeping threads dated around August, but once release hit they magically disappeared. I believe those are a vocal minority, the rest of us just silently report the really bad names and move on.
I have been on Grobbulus since launch, even though we have lots of non-rpers, I’ve only seen maybe 1 in 1,000 intentionally try to be disrespectful.
In vanilla you could. Theoretically in classic. Looking at the large numbers of non rp names on Bloodsail it seems like there’s not enough GM’s enforcing the rp tos. If they’re not bothering to enforce the naming rules it’s not likely they’re enforcing the rules against rp griefers
I really despise people that go out of their way to disrupt RP on RP servers. And I barely even RP. Trying to brag about how little RP there is on a RP server is not a good thing btw, it only shows how sh** the community as a whole is there. cough people bragging about no RP on Grob cough
dang, that makes me feel bad for you guys. Lobbied hard for RP servers and the d bags gotta make it terrible. I hope it gets better. I know I’ve never tried RP and would love to dabble at some point to see if I enjoy it.
So, you play on retail and troll the Classic forums ?
Part of the problem back in the day of an actual human looking over tickets about RP griefing was RPers were getting down right absurd with it. If you were in the wrong RP clique and used (((ooc talk here))) when they wanted people to ((double not triple)), or god forbid you used an in game emote like /spit and god modded them because they didn’t have a chance to dodge your spit or w/e the hell, they’d try to get you banned as an RP griefer.
I wish they had more personal moderation through GMs, but I honestly don’t blame Blizz for giving up on the impossible task of policing RP.