Can Nathanos just go away, please?

He’s all over the place, he’s saturating the Horde story, and is apparently able to fight Malfurion and Tyrande and live because muh Val’kyr are stronk.

He’s an annoyance and is getting stale.


Yeah well, you know, that’s just like, your opinion, man.

He’s a central character in the expansion, and when Sylvanas is the leader, chances are the main character enacting her will is going to be her boy toy, not a random orc.


I mean…who else could it be?

We don’t have many strong characters, that could fight tyrande. Hell nathanos is only able to hold his own because of the Val’kyr and even then one had to give her life to save his.


I like him and Garona.

I like people who use few words yet make their point clear.


The reasons to hate Nathanos:
He is mean to me!
He is a meme character created by a sylvanas fanboy who traveled through time to vanilla wow!
The way he loses fights upsets me because he isn’t instantly dying!

Reasons to like Nathanos:
All of the above!


I’m starting to like him which means he’s probably going to die by the end of the expansion


hm… there isn’t already a nathanos hate thread?
here, let me give you a link!

He’s every retail manager ever that viewed themselves as all that mattered at their store, and that all their underlings were replaceable cogs, no matter what.

I main Horde, and mained a Forsaken for most of that time, and I STILL want him purged by fire.


He is getting stale but so are these threads, honestly. Not to harsh on you too much. I do get your sentiment and I’m sure a lot of us agree in one round about way or another. Though it gets expressed in other words depending on the person. The Horde regulars here are as tired of having two characters with personality on their side of things as anyone, I’m sure.

The Horde character roster is a bit scant lately and Blizz is kind of in this position where they have to start lifting up old B-listers like Nathanos the quest giver from Vanilla - because there’s nobody really left. They are in the process of building up a new roster of characters for the Horde.

Give it time. This game’s story pacing is glacial. They’re trying. For the time being you can enjoy Liadrin in Arathi. She says some funny stuff about light to the faction that taught her to stop abusing arcane magic to force the light out of a being made out of altruism and well-wishes. And uh, Talanji? Yeah. They’ve got her too. I hear she’s going places. Oh! And Saurfang kinda I think.


I don’t mind Nathanos that much but he and Sylvanas do seem to teleport around to different parts of the world at the same time. One moment hes in Darkshore, then back at Zuldzar then out doing the world quests, then back to Orgrimmar.


I mean, I agree, he drives me nuts and I’m ready for him to be done, but… the more they use Nathanos, the less other Horde characters are being irreparably ruined by the villain bat. So I’d rather see an oversaturation of Nathanos chewing the scenery than have, say, Rexxar show up to say more wildly OOC and stupid things.


Nathanos mostly shows up for Honorbound World Quests. Who should be giving the “sneak into the orphanage and strangle all their puppies” quests instead?


If Natty keeps showing up in the story and we keep having these threads, we might be able to report “Nathanos Fatigue” to Blizz and get them to kill BfA early or at least change the last patch to something that would be more engaging and interesting than the faction war/Old Gods, like kobolds.

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Despite not being a huge fan, his cinematic moments when Sylvanas orders him to fire the catapults and when she hands him the bow in Lordaeron end up being quite impactful without him actually saying anything at all precisely because we are so used to him running his mouth so much and generally being Sylvanas’s lapdog.


alliance player: I HATE * any horde character that is not instantly crushed by all the demigods… I mean, alliance leaders * AND I NEED HE * BREATHE * DIEEEE
me: oh, I see…


Hes the self insert of one of the main “writers”. He aint going anywhere unless they get some self awareness and sense of shame.

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Does that make him oldest Self Insert in WOW? Since he was a prominent psudo-raid boss that wiped many groups in Vanilla 14 years ago.


His inclusion, aesthetic and favortism by the writer in question makes him a self insert :baby:t2::ok_hand:t2:

Nathanos is really bothersome, he’s unlikable and unrelatable. He’s outright annoying. It’s like, they couldn’t handle having Sylvanas be front and center without giving her a human boyfriend like her sisters.

A character can be annoying and overexposed without being someone’s self insert.