Can Nathanos just go away, please?

That’s what a self insert would say!


A self-insert accomplished by going back in time to Vanilla to make him a meme character famous for slaughtering entire Alliance raids, all so that he could be made into one of the lead characters in a future expansion around the time that, coincidentally, his faction leader is the de facto leader of the Horde, which we can presume has nothing to do with his sudden prominence in the story.

Quite an impressive feat.


Yeah, get rid of Nathanos and bring back Thrall, who totally isn’t anybody’s mary-sue self-insert at all!


Self inserting in a video game isnt impressive tho :see_no_evil:

The act of self-inserting is not impressive by itself.

Self-inserting by means of traveling back in time to before you were a lead writer to the game’s inception to install a character with the master plan of him being memetically popular enough to bring back as a real self-insert…

Look, I’ll just go on and conclude with this video regarding your use of the word “self-insert”.


Take your conspiracy theory to the GD forum please.

If you’re going to post in the story forum, you should at least know the story enough to not repeat a ridiculous meme that Nathanos is the self-insert of a writer who had nothing to do with Nathanos’ creation back in Vanilla WoW.


I think Nathanos is so divisive because people take his over the top dick-ishness differently. Some laugh it off, others take it more personally.

I’m in the first camp, so I like him. A bit overexposed sure, but he’s the kind of Forsaken I enjoy. Not nuts-evil like Sylvanas, but not bland-sad-dead-human like the Desolate Council bunch (they’re fine though and give the Forsaken some color). He seems to already be becoming disillusioned with Sylvanas, so I’m hoping that when the time comes he doesn’t side with her and we get to keep him.

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Nathanos is fine.

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I feel as if people are mixing self insert with self projected. Maybe it’s the same thing at the end of the day, but a character that has existed since vanilla is probably more exposed due to his ties to a faction leader.

I think it’s just a mix of “self-insert” being a pejorative term in general, and frustration over Nathanos’ over-exposure and apparent lack of comeuppance. Which, if I have to be honest, Jaina has shown up in the Horde story several times as an unstoppable force of destruction and never been brought low by Horde characters, so my sympathy is a little limited.


I mean she does have her island nuked for the crime of wanting peace, so there’s that. Her actions in Dalaran may not be justified, but they can at least be understood.

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I’m talking specifically in the context of how Nathanos is annoying to Alliance players; he shows up frequently in their story and always gets away. Jaina does likewise, with the exception that she will kill the Horde player if they get too close.

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yeah i can see how that might be annoying. I don’t hate nathanos, myself. I don’t really hate anyone in the horde. Hell, i didn’t even dislike sylvanas until this expansion. We didn’t really have a horde foil that annoys us like that other than Garrosh, but then he became your foil too, which was kinda disappointing to me. I kinda wish we did. Then the conflict they keep shoving down our throats would make sense.

You all need to stop with this nathanos self-insert crap, it makes you sound stupid when you believe it and me not want to read your arguments in a positive light.


I like it. It’s a quick way for me to mentally flag people as biased morons. :smiley:


Ahhhhh, you mean just like TRH?

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Ironically, as much as I detest Sylvanas right now and everyone that follows her, I still have a soft spot for Nathanos. Not because I agree with a single thing he says, but because I see potential in him becoming something that we need from the Forsaken right now, and that’s just a character with limits. Maybe Sylvanas will order him to murder children, then when she turns her back (like always) he’ll command them to run away.

Idk, I got a feeling that maybe he’ll be a lot more interesting soon, like Vegeta from Dragonball. He could still be a big jerk who has no qualms murdering in cold blood but deep down he has a soft spot and a faint heroic side to him, if only for self-interest.


I don’t really see him betraying Sylvanas, but i do think they’re building him up to be the next leader of the Forsaken.

At least I hope so.

I can’t imagine an end to this war that has Sylvanas still in that role, and I can’t take Calia’s stupidity.

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It’s arguable which is worse; being insta-gibbed by Jaina or being reduced to a moron so Natty can look good. One of the worst parts of the Alliance war campaign is where Natty sets a trap for you that quite literally the only way it could have been more obvious is if there was a giant red Loony Tunes “X” on where you stand, only for your only option to be to walk into the trap like an idiot. Natty pops up, is smug at you, and you just know that somewhere the writer is going “Uhhhhhh tacticallllllll geniusssssssss uhhh”

Can we agree that both Jaina and Natty are equally bad?

I’ve downgraded my rhetoric to accusing Natty of being an author’s pet, much in the same way that Anduin and Baine are Golden’s pets. Is that an acceptable alternative?


Sadly, when sylvanas goes the forsaken involvement in the story goes with her. They will all default to blindly locked into “honorable” and never do anything that could disrupt the delicate thrall fanatics.

I like the honorable horde too, but I don’t want to trade one side for the other. Although I don’t see Nathanos hanging out without his queen. We’ll be stuck with Voss.

I would totally accept saying he is a personal fave of a writer who wants to put him in more content, but he is spot on with Vanilla Nathanos. So at the very least he is very true to the original.

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