What was “transphobic” to you about that statement?
It’s a lot of inappropriate comments, though. But… not my monkeys, not my circus.
Yeah but Silent Hill originally had warning screens in 1999.
Wow this is still going.
And it’s spawning copycats, even.
Didn’t the OP say they were done with this thread like, a few hundred posts ago?
no this is world of big rigs over the road racing.
since the other thread was nuked before i could post my reply, and this one hasnt been YET, let me share my thoughts in response to the hallway monitor’s repeated assertion the rules were always there.
rules are a tool. the tos was written as it was so that it could be used to keep the peace. if someone was being exceptionally nasty, it gave mods the means to address them. whereas today they are applied with such aggressiveness and so indiscriminately that it genuinely seems those doing so are deriving sexual pleasure from it.
same reason there is a law against jaywalking. it isnt so cops can go around arresting people for crossing the street, but so that when they cause a problem the means of redress are already on file. discretion is the better part of valour… and i see no discretion or valour in gagging people who have dissenting opinions.
Funny that the MvP gets the other thread nuked cuz they were all losing the argument big time over there.
Just proves that Blizzard doesn’t really care what their customers want. They won’t entertain a change in their policy and when their volunteer advocates are losing the argument they’ll just shut down discussion entirely.
i dont think he can take credit for that. response was too fast.
but you are right; these people equate silencing people with defeating their points. after all… if no one can speak against you, you clearly MUST be correct.
It’s whatever. Anyways, the MvP is being knowingly disingenuous. The rules might have said “no swearing” for the last twenty years, but its only since Blizzard’s big controversies around the turn of the decade where it’s actually been enforced as written.
Before, to get banned for chat, you had to be egregious in what you were saying. People weren’t banned for just dropping the odd f bomb now and again.
And even today, when you play WoW, you see ToS breaking text all the time. Who gets banned and who doesn’t is just a matter of blind luck or who makes somebody mad enough to organize a mass report to trip the autoban feature.
Which, btw, also exists no matter what Blizzard, their Moderators, their MvPs, or their blind supports say. There is an automated system. It can be gamed by bad actors. When someone says that there isn’t, they’re lying.
It’s been shown to exist multiple times on stream.
fer shizzle. the irony of blizzard declaring themselves the arbitrators of morality in light of what has gone on in their offices is hilariously absurd.
I did not do anything to the other thread. I was trying to reply when it got nuked. MVPs have zero moderation powers, or anything else. Just green text.
The thread was a duplicate of this - and this thread is still here.
Fair enough. I was mistaken.
i think this is your warning.
Getting banned from the forums for daring to disagree with Blizzard’s over-aggressive moderation policies would be funny. But last I checked it isn’t against ToS.
Threatening people with moderation action is though, unless I’m mistaken.
oh, they are safe. yer allowed to violate the tos as long as you do it towards the ‘undesirables’. for reference; scope out the insults and bullying attempts flung my way in this thread.
edit - to be clear, i wouldnt WANT to see them moderated for such. as i’ve made abundantly clear here, i advocate less moderation. these people are more than welcome to hurl any words my way they see fit.
im not threatening anyone?
Disagreeing is fine and so is discussing policy in general. We are not allowed to discuss specific account actions taken - although the CS forum does give some leeway on that.
We just have to remain civil and polite when discussing the policies - and not stray into insulting others, making political statements, making things into personal attacks, etc.
That is why a lot of things were removed yesterday. Keep the discussion to policy and the game and it tends to be allowed as long as it is kept in one place (thread).
Your whole perception that you are some sort of victim and claiming that people consider you an “undesirable”, etc - that tends to just start and perpetuate arguments. It encourages others to keep personal discussion going.
The rules pre-date the modern politics people seem to blame when they get penalized. They are 20 year old rules. With examples of enforcement 20 years ago too.
Is it easier to report? Yes. Have penalties changed over time from Suspensions, to Silences, back to Suspensions? Yes. Have the duration of penalties changed? Yes.
This all goes back to the lawsuits, protests, congressional testimony from folks who were afraid their kids were being corrupted. The ratings boards came out of that and a lot of companies are very risk averse. They don’t want to be sued so they set very very tame rules on their end.
Read them carefully - while they do want players to just plain be nice to eachother and have a good time in the public spaces in game - they also always consider the bottom legal line. Every company does.
can’t help but notice you conveniently ignored my post as to the difference between having rules, and fanatical enforcement of interpreted slights against them.
You’re quite pointedly ignoring that the standard for actually having your account actioned has changed dramatically even if the rules are the same. Everyone I have talked to agrees that account actions are far more common since the social contract than before. Can you seriously say in good faith that when you played in 2008 as your achievements indicate that the enforcement of the rules was as aggressive as they are today? Can you seriously say that Trade and General wasn’t filled with casual profanity without anyone worrying about being banned?
Because as someone who also played back then, they were not. People who were banned back then were banned because they were acting in a manner that went above and beyond just dropping a profanity here or there. The rules cited might have been the same, but the standard by which those rules were applied have changed drastically and pretty much everyone outside of this forum who I discuss that with has agreed.
I am sorry if I did not clearly address that.
Yes, enforcement has changed - because it is now easier to report infractions which leads to more enforcement.
It used to take a manual report ticket where the person typed out the name, realm, chat channel, date, time stamp, and nature of the infraction.
Now it just takes right click. That captures the same info in a neatly bundled package for the GMs to review.
Like most things - it usually comes down to risk decisions. Yes, they want a friendly player environment that welcomes players of all ages and backgrounds. They also want to avoid getting into legal hot water.
They don’t actively police chat - they don’t go LOOKING for violations yet. They depend on player (paying customer) reports in public chat areas/groups. You can still do what you want privately.
Oh, the super strict default filters and stuff are going to get worse across all the games you play. Also any apps. They will be on by default. If a minor might get access, companies now have to have the app/game locked down by default.
The Maryland Kids Code is modeled on a 2022 California law, the Age-Appropriate Design Code Act. Like the California law, **the Maryland bill would require certain social media and video game platforms to turn on the highest privacy settings by default for minors.**Apr 7, 2024