Can i disable the 'potentially offensive message' nonsense?

people having to opt in to see my stream of slurs is basically like imprisoning me


You’re not going to get anywhere with people that have the mindset of “I think it’s a stupid law that the speed limit is 35.”

Then they go 75, get a ticket, and would argue in court “well I think it’s stupid.”

These people don’t live in reality.


Pictured here: an adult, apparently.


i never claimed to be. but at least im willing to admit im mentally stunted. just like everyone else. only advantage i have is i am not in denial of this.

but people as a whole would have a far better chance of growing up if they had to face hardships, rather than being protected from something as trivial as naughty words

Mmm there’s definitely some degrees at play here, bud.


That lasted a total of 3 minutes.


Quit acting like it then?


People that have faced actual hardships don’t waste their time complaining about something as trivial as following basic rules.


Why? Why do something so obviously detrimental to group / raid play, that completely removes the ability for people to interact with you ingame, etc?

It is a MULTIPLAYER game, guy. If you dont want to talk to people, play something else.

Few things as willfully ignorant and purposefully selfish as someone who ignores chat completely in a game like this.

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My problem is the opposite, I’m not mentally stunted, I have to facepalm every time one of you uses THEIR (possessive) when it should’ve been the truncation They’re (they are) or there (prepositional phrase).


heh, i hear that. long since given up trying to explain that one to people. still funny to point out sometimes though

my friend.

you can’t withstand the hardship of pressing " yes I still want to see this message"


Happy almost Thanksgiving everyone!

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I tell myself this whenever my boss asks for opinions about his ideas. I remember I have bills, like to eat and have shelter before I answer.

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Now I’m picturing a bunch of Forsaken celebrating thanksgiving… with a corpse as the main course.

This is why my boss knows to never ask…


Someone’s struggling.

for me it’s dealing with clients/customers.


There are people who find misspellings offensive.

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Wow, sounds like you don’t understand what that concept means.

Okay, I followed this line of thought for a bit. I know where you are going with this, as it is the personal tenets of libertarian thought, which enforces private property.

HOWEVER, in the anarchist sense, everyone owns their speech. In addition, this is a digital platform. There is no “physical space” being wasted here. Even server wise, we are a very small footprint in the vast sea of terabyte harddrives running this forum and the game itself. In addition, everyone has ways to filter themselves from certain words or speech by isolating themselves in guilds, subforums, or blocking/ ignoring. Even this forum has that option.

With all that in mind, Jarddy has legit reasons to detest the little wordy modern “be nice” like we are all some students in some elementary class. It’s almost insulting really. The criticism is sound from their point of view.

You have an incentive to defend Blizzard cause you, Mr or Missus Pull-Out-My-2004-Manual with your MVP title already show your allegiance to Blizzard. And though I wouldn’t necessarily say that you are you truly biased to acquiescence to their directive, you do sound like a WoW spokesperson at that moment, which will call into question the legitimacy of your posts against OP.

So you may have felt like you had a “gotcha” by telling them that this has always been like this, it comes across more preachy and shilly.

Personally, I think the whole pop up service words they throw at us seemingly every year it seems feels so obtrusive and childish. I’m just imagining these people who think they are mightier and teachier and probably think they are mature (which is false considering the childishness of the game itself) that they can tell us what is appropriate for us to consume. I can handle bants, so I agree that I rather not have to have my speech restricted for the seldom minority that don’t even play games.