Can i disable the 'potentially offensive message' nonsense?

talk about extreme exaggeration that discredits your entire point


No, speech is not your physical property. It is a means of expression.

You may have artistic rights to speech and communications you create under copyright laws, but nobody else has to host those “creations” or let you express them on their property.

You don’t have the right to run your mouth without consequences - you can be fired from work, kicked out of a house, removed from a store, removed from private property like game forums or social media.

YOU agreed to those rules and that you would follow the language regulations. It is the same as following speed limits. You agree to follow the rules or deal with consequences, up to and including loss of license to drive those roads.


I do wish these threads wouldn’t turn into arguments over private and public property. Ive never seen someone argue for more relaxed speech arguing for unfrettered speech.

i didnt agree to having my friends censored for a typo in a private message.

yes you did


No, you don’t own your speech unless you are talking about something copyrighted. The game and forums are private areas that you are paying to have access to. But, you have to agree to certain rules while you use those areas. By agreeing to those rules you have given up a small portion of your speech in those areas in return for being able to use those areas.

We basically agree to this “censorship” but then get mad when we have follow the rules we agree to.


And now we’ve come full circlet to try the troubleshooting steps I gave you or ask in CS next steps or it’s a bug.

With a whole lot of drama and insanity in between.

Sadly I WISH places would more commonly enforce this, but management is spineless in most places now days with a twisted understanding of “the customer is always right”. This applies to product and customer satisfaction, it does not mean they are literally always legally in the right… no matter what some folks in charge think.


stupid leads to stupid. and censorship is stupid. so every discussion on it will devolve into this.

ultimate free speech does not work. and is not an aspect of a civilized society


works better than this. i’ll take an honest jerk over these virtue signalling embarrassments any day.


Thank you for pointing out that your OP lead to this.

Because instead of learning how the options work, checking to see if it’s bugged, asking CS… you started this.


you say that but you’ve been doing nothing but vice signalling throughout this entire thread


except it does not.

your issue is something so minor in the grand scheme of things. you complain about being censored when the statement still exists you just have to hit an extra button to see it.

it’s not even censorship because you can still see everything.


i dont know how to make it more clear to you i have the options you suggested set to what you suggested.

whatever. im done with you, and this thread. its no fun, and you people are just making me ashamed to share a species with you.

my friend.

you are being overly dramatic

is the issue a little silly? sure. the offensive catch all will always have silly issues.

but is that the hill you want to die on? the inconvenience of hitting an additional “you sure you want to see this” and equating it with hard line censorship?


Censorship is the prerogative of any corporation. And furthered if you agree to the said terms.

It’s literally as simple as “if you don’t like it, don’t play it.”

It doesn’t matter what the ToS contains. If you agree to it, and then break it, you are 100% accountable for the consequences.

You thinking the ToS is stupid, or you not agreeing with it, doesn’t mean you’re magically entitled to break it.

There are plenty of laws that many people don’t like and/or think are stupid. But not liking them isn’t some magic pass that lets you break them free of consequence.


I had a good chuckle it was a fine thread

And I don’t know how to make it more clear to you to try the troubleshooting steps I gave you to see if it’s bugged and then ask CS if you need to file a bug report or not.

You’re the one who can’t take advice on how to potentially fix your problem.

God forbid you get help and be informed. Instead, you’d rather just be outraged.


You did by agreeing to the terms for playing the game. Really though - most of the filters are ON by default because they have to be. Laws have been passed requiring anything that may be used by minors to have the maximum safety filters turned on be default.

Usually those can be turned off by the user, if the product has the option for it. You would need to go through your Options menus in-game, in the Bnet Launcher, and esp in your Account Settings here on the website. Probably under Privacy.

Just keep in mind that profanity, masked profanity, slurs, hateful speech, and all the rest is still not allowed if you turned off the tools.

It just allows you to say what you want privately with friends where you won’t get reported.