I know I do, but I doubt BLizzard’s willingness to give us what we want.
Yeah they dont need to think about for a hole year. We just gotta wait when it gets closer and you will see more people asking the question tbc hc?
We have to keep on pestering them. They said they were open for feedback.
Please can we have a HC TBC realm?
Install elevators the true hardcore experience
Classic elevators have nothing on the TBC elevator going into SSC.
What difference does that make? You can fly up and afk, or just log out and “afk” which is meta.
I think TBC Hardcore would be great and excellent. I actually suggested something similar to this post in the classic general discussion forums.
They could even implement a feature something like; once you hit 60 on a character and venture into TBC future characters can then be created at lvl 58 with a minimal gear set to venture straight into TBC. So, that those that die are incentivized to keep trying knowing they can start right at TBC content.
Man … you’ve brought this suggestion up for like eleventysomething times.
The answer is still NO! “Go again” means from level 1. And levelling time 1-60 in Classic and 1-7+ in TBC takes roughly the same time played - with TBC being maybe a wee bit faster.
Personally I’d just love Draenei and Blood Elf brought into original Hardcore Classic.
No TBC shenanigans or talent updates, although I’d love talent updates from TBC but as a minimum I’d love to see how Classic would be with both factions getting access to all classes. I’d would be so interesting to see how things would turn out.
Must’ve struck a nerve with the previous rage bait comment. Lil bro follows me to attempt more rage baiting.
Kek, you mean me stating my suggestion from my OP to a similar topic, covering it only twice now means eleventy something. Great math. Bros reaaal mad.
The point of these servers is to be closest to original as possible. Why do you want to change them? Go to anniversary or retail or sod if you want changes.
Mind yer business rando
I began typing: “As we have seen this suggestion a load of times” - you’re not alone in suggesting this - as I’m not alone in nixing it
Then I stumbled over the word “incentivized” and realized it was the same player (you) asking for this feature, pretending you do not know that TBC levelling is faster than 1-60.
And no, Blizz do not need to incentivize anybody to play HC TBC, they simply need to allow us to play it.
You literally are trying to destroy tbc hardcore. Keep your terible ideas to yourself. If you die you start over. Period. If you aren’t willing to start over upon death then hardcore is clearly not for you.
TBC Hardcore, with restarts at level 50. After entering the black portal on one character.
No, no, and no.
We go again from level one.
It’s not as if you do not know that leveling to 70 in BFA is actually faster thatn leveling from 1-60 in Classic.
Honestly regardless the decision Blizzard decides being death be back to level 1 or at a higher level, I think it be awesome that Hardcore goes to TBC.
I’d also accept a classic hardcore experience in just its prepatch phase, introducing more fleshed out talent trees. Would do wonders to those classes and specs that needed TBC talents to be useful and not be a complete joke/meme.
Heck I’d love just to see original classic with just the addition of Draenei and Blood Elves, seeing Alliance Shamans and Horde Paladins be great even in just regular classic I think would be awesome and seeing how things would change.
Either way I’d like to see something moving forward.
Me making a mistake does not make your suggestion any better
We go again from level 1. If you want a game for softies, go play the normal Anniversary servers.
But I’d agree to your suggestion IF it was a toggle and IF anyone not going again from level 1 had an indelible debuff.
all of these ideas are bad. I suggest to reduce talent reset cost to 10s,50s and 1g like in SOD and fix the got damn bugs thats it