Well no, I was asking about Classic, without Flying.
In Retail, WPVP is quite alive and well, but there are several changes that make it that way to the point that due to how cross-realm shards, PVP objectives and Warmode work, make it harder to differentiate from instanced PVP.
I guess you haven’t tried it anytime recently.
What do you mean used to? Are you (or are people) doing this now?
Really? Have you played TBC? I can’t imagine not running into the opposing faction, on foot, while doing dailies on Quel’Danas for example…
Because they are Normal realms, and people don’t flag for PVP on Normal realms. The idea that Flying (or anything) kills PVP on a PVP flag-optional realm, and particularly for HC is largely meaningless, but I was more nitpicking the reference that “flying killed wpvp.”
To be fair, I think it’s a valid reference to cite in that for sure people have said this for a very long time. My point is that while people have maintained that this is a thing, flying has almost no impact on WPVP. Especially in stark contrast to the changes between say ranking becoming available without instanced PVP vs with instanced PVP.
In what regard? You can’t mount while in combat, and if you can drop combat to avoid dying, you could without mounting or flying, anyway.
I suppose that there may just be far more AFK or not paying attention while mounted, and running into NPCs deaths in HC than any other form of death, but I find that kind of far-fetched.
because fresh servers dont have all the bloat and bots as the old established ones? that’s how i felt when i ditched retail for HC. i didnt want some realm that has been up for over a year, i wanted something fresh.
Its fine if you want fresh, but your not escaping the bots, and in fact you will be joining them. The benefit of the fresh realms, is almost all the bots moved there, there will always be far more bots on a fresh server than an established server because thats where the FOTM players go which are the ones that will buy the most gold, especially since its an untapped market, where on a normal server, a large portion of the population will have more gold then they can possibly spend.
While personally I’d love an official TBC Hardcore progression, I think a great alternative would simple make Doomhowl move into pre-patch TBC but with original vanilla talents.
I’d love to see what would happen/change if Alliance had Draenei Shamans and Horde with Blood Elf Paladins, new meta’s, new compositions for both factions set in classic original wow.
Plus added more replay value, brings in players that prefer those races and classes on either faction but still holds the core value of vanilla.
Most definitely would set Doomhowl apart from the other HC servers rather then doing the same thing.
Really don’t think that would be feasible, the problem is ultimately those “paladins” and “shaman” will die, and this means they can then transfer to the ERA servers, which they honestly could do without dying. Perhaps if there was no transfer even on death.
I think you would find that approximately half the players now would go HC TBC, so it would move people around, and not realy change the relative server population.
I am a small is beautiful person as well - but I so would like a TBC HC server
Currently you can transfer to Dreamscythe, just make it that Draenei and Blood Elves can only transfer when that realm, which we know is progressing into TBC hits pre-patch.
I believe you only think that due to ah prices being low at the start. The bots instantly go to fresh servers, because that’s where the idiots who buy gold will want the most gold. And, they can sell gold at a higher rate.