Can Doomhowl become TBC Hardcore?

I wonder if Blizzard would allow it.

Eventually the rest of the Anniversary servers will head into TBC. Will Doomhawl be left behind, or will it be the first TBC Hardcore server?

Would make for a difficult challenge for those whom got toons to lvl 60 in classic hardcore.

For players who don’t want to see potentially their lvl 60s biting it in Outland, an option for a free server transfer should be given.

What do you think?


“Man no version of WoW captures the essence of a dangerous and immersive world except for Hardcore”

Mounts up, flies up 1000 feet and AFKs


Maybe remove flying for TBC Hardcore.

The map is designed around flying. There are many places you cannot go without flying

Did nobody that wants TBC actually play it during Classic? It turned out we all hated it?

Feels like I’m being gaslit with people wanting it again

Sorry, I never actually played TBC when it was released, only done some questing on it during Retail.

I want TBC Hardcore. I played Hardcore mode in Classic through TBC first time around. It is not impossible, Draenei are fun for HC.

Blizz said they listened to input from players.

Blizz, please make Anniversary HC servers progress into TBC! That is really the only reason to make Anniversary HC servers - we already had HC Era servers.

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TBC hardcore, it’ll be interesting to reach 70 without flying, but once flying is part of the game- yeah, you’re not dying to anything in the open world anymore.

There’s a reason people say flying killed world PvP, it’s the same thing with PvE. Nothing can reach you.

With the exception of some areas like Skettis (the giant birds) and areas with fel cannons, but those shoot slowly as heck.

Whoever dies to a Fel Reaver though… lmao.

If they release hcbc, make it known from the start. So those of us who don’t want it don’t waste time on the server. Just like wotlk.

If I remember correctly, they already announced they don’t want to do BC HC.

Yes. But they also said that they are open for feedback from players, so let’s keep on asking for TBC HC!

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And, let’s keep voicing for Doomhowl to NOT be BC. Give HCBC it’s own fresh server. Singular.

Why do we need three 1-60 HC servers? Or the question is more like: Why did we need the Anniversary HC server? If it does not progress to TBC you could just as well give FCT to the old HC servers because it’ll die if it does not keep on progressing.

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I kind of feel the same way but a lot of the big guild on Defias kinda gatekept a lot of content on that realm. Doomhowl kind of freed the community from toxic gate keeping. In a perfect world I would like one server …but also layering.

For dual spec and instant alt mail. Doomhowl needs to stay era only.

Doomhowl is not Era, it’s Anniversary.
I think those two changes are not enough to warrant a server of its own. But time will tell.

Give me instant alt mail on the normal hc servers, and you can have your Doomhowl progression to bc. There currently is no instant alt mail hc option.

I actually do not want layered Doomhowl. You can keep that and your insta-mail and other changes.
I’d rather like another #NoChanges HC realm that progresses into TBC and stays - or just open up some HC realms for TBC when Anniversary progresses.

New idea:
Give free transfer or even between the two Era HC servers and let one of them progress into TBC - this would be just fine.

I believe if BC hc is even a possibility it will have layers. Would you take hc BC with layers or nothing?

I rather think I would take it, but NOT as laggy, buggy etc like the Anniversaries are. I hope we’re not more HC/TBC lovers than able to fill up one layer.

Why wouldn’t you? Why would being able to fly while mounted suddenly mean no more deaths?

Yeah, for the same reason that someone might blame a player they know doesn’t use DBM if there’s a wipe: because it’s easy to blame things on something when it seems like a reasonable possible cause, even if there’s nothing to support that.

What is World PVP like right now without flying? Does that suddenly change in TBC? (At least from my perspective, flying has almost no impact on WPVP, but instanced pvp does).


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