never forget, my southern neighbor: we canadians burned down the white-house in the war of 1812. just food for thought.
The British did that not Canada, you would think you would be more up to date on your countries only semi notable historic event.
canada was a british colony. last time i checked, pretty sure that means we were part of that fight.
But we helped!- The peak of Canadian history ladies and gentlemen.
You”re an American colony now.
and your not worth arguing with. carry on, you crazy yankee.
I’m just bored bro Canada’s cool have a good day.
NO! Canadians are the only polite people on the planet and I refuse to give them up!!! Get rid of everyone else. Canadians are awesome!!!
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…
Or a single player, there’s plenty of those around.
You 2 just went to the top of my favs list!
A bunch of drunken Irish and Scotsmen did that since we didn’t get
our hamburgers on Tuesday
Pire, il y en a même qui parle couramment un autre langue que l’anglais et tu n’en sait rien.
Imagine jouer avec quelqu’un qui peux pas juste SPEAK AMURICAN.
Been a while since I spoke the lang d’oc, but, l’Ecosse et la France entretiennent toujours de bonnes relations
Also regarding Amurican, are we talking East, West, North, South, or Valley?
The leaves are crying again…eh?
as a Canadian I can tell you I would not play on a Canadian server Canadians are god damn annoying.
I love our northern brothers, eh
… what’s this thread aboot?
Oh, just hating on Canadians again…
I married a Canadian…in real life and everything
Pretty much goes for any country, but then,
every village has it’s idiot
Go on Zul’Jin sometime the chat it full of French Canadian and I love it