Can Canadians get their own servers?

I agree, Terrance and Phillip rule.

That argument works in a human outside the womb, but inside the womb the fetus does not require a heartbeat or lungs yet to maintain brain activity as it borrows from the mother.

You mean a life support system? Yeah we got those out here too. Sometimes we keep them on even when the person is legally dead to give people time to say goodbye.

How about instead of our own server we get an exclusive beaver mount?

This way when you see someone riding a beaver you know that they are from Canada.

…Oh man the immature responses we would see about riding beaver. Is this really what you want?

Yes, but unlike a life support system, where the recipient is almost always the victim of a terrible accident or disease, abortion is completely avoidable! Unless the mother is in danger from the pregnancy, I won’t argue against abortion in that case.

Meriweather looks up, as a red-blooded American herself and slightly startled at the turn of the conversation. She runs to the pantry to make sure her Canadian maple syrup is still safe and secure before returning to the desk.

Turning to the OP she says, in a slightly confused tone,

“I have not the pleasure of understanding you. Of what are you talking?”

But we already have several moose mounts. Good god, man, how MUCH will you take away from us!!!?

Also, I’m fairly certain Hazelnutty is Canadian (either that, or she’s from a border state), so if they ever made Canada-only servers…I’m going with her.

Little creature which sucks the nutrients from its hosts body often to the deterement to the host. Is considered a parasite. Which is simular to a disease. Also oddly enough matches a Fetus.

Should people not have the right to remove parasites from their body?

It’s the price I’m willing to pay for riding a beaver.

Mam this isn’t the goldshire inn take that somewhere else.

There’s more sense being spoken by naked Gnomes dancing on the bar in Goldshire…that’s for sure.

Sounds like a line some very unlucky dudes would say lol.

I guess if you unironically equate human children with tape worms theres not much to be gained from talking with you. Have a good one.

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Fetus’s not children. Children are less tape worm, and more idk. I don’t think anything else can compare to something loud, screamy, and pukes everywhere.

In the year 1534 there were 3 explorers who discovered a great piece of land. They had no idea what to name it, so they each decided to pick a letter and go from there. The first explorer said “C” eh, the second said “N” eh, and the last said “D” eh. That’s how the great Canada was named.

I like it. Tell me more, Mez.

/gets out a notebook and prepares for her next Canadian history lesson.

/winks at Dembele and vows to continue typing as though this were an RP server.

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what kind of degenerate plays a female dwarf :nauseated_face: :nauseated_face:

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maple syrup

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you got an issue dealing with people from other parts of the world? maybe YOU need your own server.

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Canadians are not people silly.