Can Canadians get their own servers?

JF, I hope no one is taking this bait seriously.

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It’s why I tried to derail it earlier but it got back on track somehow.

Sacre bleu e_e …

i’m a canadian that doesnt speak a lick of french lol

also the reason why i know “sacre bleu” is from yvon of the yukon XD

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Oui, oui, non, non,

hoh, hoh, hoh, hoh


Canadians probably should have their own servers. Two, one RP, one normal. Neighbors are better with fences.

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We need 3.
One Rp,
one for normal people
one for Quebecers


Nationlism has no place in video games.

Who knew hockey was only for Canada? Guess I need to toss 40 years of Penguins memorabilia.

Isn’t that what the whole Horde vs. Alliance thing comes down to, though?

Horde and Alliance are a conglomeration of nations. Different thing entirely.

Is it true their heads flop side to side when they talk? (South Park reference)

So just like the World Wars which were steeped in nationalism.

We had a whole expansion with an Orc Nationalist leader named Garrosh whose whole story line, right down to creating the perfect race and digging up ancient artifacts for some sort of military edge, reflects WW II Germany.

idk. I think it does a little to a point. If there is barriers that arise due to the inability to properly communicate or simply difference of cultrual behaviors creating the barrier itself. Such as what is considered proper grouping etiquette. I think either tools should be made to fix those issues or the two groups be moved into their own servers from each others. I know that isn’t the most popular opinion in this age where everyone is about virtue signaling and what not. But people come to expect a certain level of quality from their game when they pay for it and part of that quality can be destroyed when certain barriers come into play ruining your entire gaming experience.

Its not a popular opinion, because it is a dumb one. Cultural barriers are easily over come by simply communicating.

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And this is why a war that never end still goes on over in the mid east and in the two koreas, and all over the world. Cause communication solves all cultural barriers.


Can I please get a invite to what ever utopian world you live in? Because honestly that would be amazing if communication solved everything or was even possible with everyone.

That is because of an unwillingness to communicate. Communication means a willingness to listen and understand. Read your own post out loud, did you listen to what I stated? Or did you see what I wrote, and rather than understand, chose to react because it did not share your view?

Seems like quite the sticky situation, eh?

I read it but fully disagree. If communication could solve everything there would never be any wars. Because communication is far less costly.

That and most dungeons, until you reach a high competitive level, don’t require communication of any sort.

Aside from that, the USA should really be teaching our youth to be bilingual citizens. NY made French or Spanish a requirement when I was in school. Now, the students only need one credit in a foreign language. Our education system is getting worse.

Your wish is granted, but now ALL of your mounts on those Canadian only servers will be different colored mooses.

Wait, isn’t this one of those corrupt a wish threads?

/moo :cow:

With an all Canadian guild I can stop being treated as a weirdo for apologizing to every boss that I kill.

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