If you decided to hate Canadians that means you wasn’t born hating canadians. Which means at some point you didn’t hate them. So like a true american you should of dug into your original ideals. I am confused how you suddenly changed ideals yet consider yourself an American.
Late 70s, early 80s. We all dressed badly then.
You don’t become a person until you hit the age of 21 (25 if female since they develop slower), at 21 I decided what I believe in, before that I was but a child.
Was it South Park?
I’ve avoided all the weird fashion choices by only wearing jeans and t-shirts for the last 40 years.
I see… So children are not people. This is good to know. Does that mean you can put a shock collar on a child?
Blizz won’t separate Latin realms from us so I doubt they’ll separate Canadian. I don’t have an issue with Canadians though, they have a fairly large presence on Zul’jin…(or is it Thrall?) Horde side and I raided with them before. I know they were Canadian because they told me and spoke their Fronch in mumble lol
But sometimes it was impossible to find sensible jeans.
No children are not people, that’s why abortion is legal.
Wait…so you equate a child to a fetus?
wait…so you equate a puppy to a dog? that what you sound like
More like a eggsac to a maggot. But I see your point I guess.
I can’t believe i just got tricked into comparing a child to a maggot.
maggots are largely self sufficient after they hatch so I agree the comparison is dumb.
the point being one is the unborn state. Doesn’t even really have the proper organs capable of sustaining life. Unable to take it’s first breath.
The other is something already alive and breathing in the world capable of sustaining life.
A child and fetus are not the same thing. As much as some circles like to argue otherwise.
I admit, I got a good chuckle out of this
brain activity starts at around 6 weeks, we are not lungs or hearts or livers, everything that makes a human being such as thoughts, feelings, and conscious mind is located in the brain.
And yet. You are not legally alive until you take your first breath, and you are legally dead when your heart stops pumping.
and yet, man made laws don’t mean sh*t and are constantly changing with the times. You could legally own a slave just a couple hundred years back, doesn’t mean it was right.
It’s beyond just legal. If someone doesn’t breath it’s not living. If a person heart isn’t beating it likewise isn’t living. Or are you going to argue you can be alive with a dead heart? And or no Air in your lungs.
However you can be alive without thinking. It’s a feat many people on this forum do every day. WoW GD is proof a person doesn’t need a brain to live.
I love Canadians though =[