I’m from NZ, but we, along with Australians, love messing with our long lost cousins in North America.
Just don’t put Mayo on my burger
NOOOO not my ability to post on the WoW forums, anything but that!
Ahah lol, I think it’s crazy lol like 32vs32 or something, oval field, some kind of 3 point line. They’re nuts.
How dare you that is cultural misappropriation. Only old people and Canadians say Eh. That is a serious microaggression dude. I’ll have to call the PC Principle on you.
Oh, yeah, that Aussie Rules football is really strange.
You’ve obviously never encountered a kiwi (NZ colloquial name for ourselves) and the persistent use of a rising intonation of “eh” at the end of sentences.
I tried to watch but I couldn’t watch. All those dudes in short shorts made my stomache upset. Although I guess the ladies would prolly like it. .
I can only imagine how many wardrobe malfunctions happen in that game.
Oy get with me cobber and have some cold ones and get pissed
I always freaking loved that way of saying getting drunk. LOL idk why it just tickled me.
New Zealand isnt a real place its just a set they built for the Lord of the Rings series stop lying.
Just as long as you aren’t laughing at the lawn afterwards
I have an aunt from Australia…so the slang just always amused me.
Why do you have so much hate for Canadian? It actually makes zero sense. I mean I somewhat understand the concept of racism. Things being different in groups of animals often cause the majority group of animals to reject the minority group. It’s just normal laws of nature although as a person I feel like us humans should get passed that nonsense. But the hate for Canadians? They are not all that much different from Americans except for a couple words and slight accent which honestly… You could confuse for someone from Minnesota.
Hello, based department?
The stereotypical Canadian is nice and polite, so we have a vocal minority in the US that don’t like them because they themselves are rude and abrasive. So natural enemies.
Screw that man, as someone that can be rude and abbrasive at time. I freaking love polite people. Super easy to take advantage of. There isn’t a bigger mark then a nice guy.
I won’t link it directly here because it’s possibly crossing the line, but “Bliss” by “Th’ Dudes” is a classic kiwi drinking song.
Just started playing the Video. I think I found Waldo.
Man these guys dress badly lol. good music tho
I decided to hate Canadians long ago, for some reason I have honestly forgotten, but like any TRUE American im dug in on my beliefs, and I will never change, no matter what conflicting information is presented to me.
The is a forum I visit where on of the regulars is a British women in the legal profession and she can skewer idiots with extremely polite, sarcastic disdain.