Can Canadians get their own servers?

I agree with the golf/baseball sports, they are barely above e-sports in my view, which we all know isn’t even really sports to begin with.

I have never understood why we call ham Canadian bacon.


Just did…and uhm. All those short shorts. Do they recruit from the local parade? That looked more male on male love then wrestling.

Is that true? What I read was that those in the US call Ham Canadian Bacon but the real Canadian Bacon is similar to what we have down here, down under.

We call it Canadian Bacon because it’s Fake Bacon. Just like Canada is Fake America… Or atleast that is what I was told when I asked.

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Probably because some marketing wag thought people wouldn’t put ham on their pizzas.

Shrimp and Pineapple is superior to Ham and Pineapple on pizza anyways.

Don’t @ Me.

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Buffalo chicken pizza is superior to them all.

oh lord… please no. Chicken on Pizza :frowning: you just killed my appetite.

So, some marketing wag should rename :pineapple: so people put that on :pizza: without upsetting the anti :pineapple: :pizza: brigade.

As another country on the continent of North America yes they are “Americans” which is why when discussing Canada and United States I use US.

I think Dembele was being chased by flying monkeys again…where there flying monkeys Dembele? or was this just another troll post?

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We could call it Hawiian Tamato?

I still wouldn’t eat it because having tried pineapple on pizza I can say it was the worst thing I’ve ever ate and I’ve eaten liver and onions.

Chicken and jalepeno is tasty on pizza…don’t be so milquetoast


I vote this but I think we’ve managed to effectively hijack this thread.

Makes me want to start saying “Eh” for the heh of it


I’m willing to bet your current direction is a good way to get you off blizzard’s server.

The topic is now random thoughts on a Saturday morning. Please try and stay on topic.




Are you a old person, or from Canada?