Can Canadians get their own servers?

I have read plenty… and threw out history many people done horrible things but Trump has attempted to do many of those exact same things and likely fully would if we allowed it. And then he has done some of his own rather disgusting things. Just put a throwing star symbol on his sleeve already. We already know his true alligence.


I just wish we could at least get semi-decent choices. :confused:

I’d take a dementia patient over someone that trys to get people to ingest disinfectant. At least the dude with dementia has an excuse. And likely would have someone be the proxxy anyways. At this point Satan himself would be better then Mr. Orange man.


Imagine equating Trump with Hitler/Pol Pot/Moussalini unironically, literal systemic murderers of millions.


oh i see, this is a generalisation thread! so here’s my turn, how do ppl from u.s type with fat fingers? how aren’t they dying at 10 years old when they just eat fast food? do you do dirty things with your guns?


And yet trumps Ideals and plays doesn’t make him much different. The only thing that stops him is the power of our congress. The man has more hate in his body then he has brains in his head.

As for the lives the others taken… How many lives do you think Trump has costed so far just with this protesting/covid disaster combo alone? He is intentionally playing both sides against eachother trying to get people to protest more. Spreading a deadly disease. the man is evil and just wants to cause chaos, and death.


So no we’re blaming Trump for people going out and rioting and protesting?


I hope one day personal responsibility will be a thing again. People simply refuse to take any responsibility for their own actions. How is it that the president forced you out of your home to protest and riot? lol man.


Not exactly what I am saying. However I do blame trump for fanning those flames. His speaches are hateful. He even at one point encourages his own fans to come to the gates as a sort of anti protest. During covid of all times a idea like this is terribly bad. But it’s even worse with him knowing full well just how racist that particuler supporter group is. He was simply asking for a violent scenario. Thankfully it didn’t happen.


So it’s cool for one group to use their constitutional right to protest as long as an opposing group doesn’t show up and utilize their constitutional right. Cool.


Don’t try to snip my words to make his actions seem less neferious then they was. That particular group he was asking to come protest is essentialy the same as the clan and everyone knows it.

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Ah, okay. Now that we’re on the same page and all. I agree with you, anyone who has a differing opinion is surely a racist.

Have yourself a great day. One day I hope you learn something about personal responsibility and stop blaming others for your own actions.


No being a racist makes them a racist. Throwing out american citizens because their pigment is different makes them racist. Building walls and seperating families many of which had children that was born in America, makes them racist. Shouting racial slurs and hateful rhetoric makes them racist.

Calling for a group like that to come to a protest where people are protesting against Racism… Makes him hateful, or just dumb. Your choice.


The heck is wrong with Canadians?

I live in Texas and you know what? Hockey is just about the only sport I’ll watch. So take that.


The only state that really matters, tbh. :+1:

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If you ask me hockey is a much more aggressive sport then Football. I don’t get why people tease that sport so much.

How often do you get clips like these from freaking football.


We only need servers if people in SA get servers because if that happens 75% of our grouping time will be with lag because of oceanic and SA players. Having Cdn servers would then result in SA getting lag again as well as oceanic so everyone can all be miserable equally.

No you don’t understand, the virus won’t get you as long your what your protesting aligns with the mainstream democrat party”s agenda.


That isn’t true, the people protesting without protection are also stupid. And the rioters are even worse. Like seriously what does stealing from innocent people prove or solve. But neither of these are good cause to ask a racist group to show up at a peaceful protest and compound it.

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It’s only a game eh, why you heff to be mad?

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So this is that Trump Derangement Syndrome I’ve heard so much about. This was a great thread focused on hating Canadians and you had to ORANGE MAN BAD it all up