Can Canadians get their own servers?

Me too tbh, I mean after all. One is bad enough to tell people to ingest Disinfectant. I do wonder if that is how he became so orange… all that disinfectant he ate. It would atleast explain the brain damage.


Well looks like the Canadian mafia has arrived to report my thread, too passive aggressive to actually dispute my opinion, probably whispered “sorry” as they hit the report button.

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That would be bad spray tans. So many bad spray tans.

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Ohh that makes sense. And all that spray tan chemical leaked in and tanned his brain.


Luuni, this is hard to swallow, but yes. They’re aliens. Sometimes anyway; like if they come into the US without permission.

Oh, you meant from space. No, probably not.

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What’re you talkin’ aboot.
Hehe maple syrup.
Am I Justin Trudeau now?

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Are you sure, though?

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Nah, Beiber.

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He’s a national treasure! I approve. :notes:

Maybe… but it could be other people offended on their behalf.
(I mean, talking about a Canadian President rather gave it away)

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Nope! Can’t be certain for sure.

I honestly feel terrible now days for mocking Canada about Beiber. Like seriously. Now all Canada has to do is be like… We might of produced Beiber but ya’ll Produced trump… Honestly literally anyone can say something like that. I don’t think any country has produced anyone more shameful then Trump :frowning: I am ashamed.


Ryan Reynolds is a Canadian national treasure. Beiber is an embarrassment to all of humanity.


Indeed. I can only imagine the horror any professional beautician would experience at seeing that spray tan.

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To be fair, we’ve had to choose “The lesser of two evils” for two elections in a row now. 2016 was bad enough. But 2020 is coming around with a dude who thinks ingesting disinfectant is okay and the other dude literally has dementia and isn’t much better even without the dementia.

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Blockquote I don’t think any country has produced anyone more shameful then Trump :frowning: I am ashamed.

Read a book.

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Let’s be honest, they both have dementia.


Why would you mock us about Bieber? For every Bieber we make you produce 1000 equally generic pop stars


Just had to make an adjustment there.


I fear you are correct.

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