Can Canadians get their own servers?

I think threads like this are a great argument for keeping the borders closed.

HEY, my boyfriend is Canadian. Dont make me take off these hoops gurl, cuz i WILL whoop that poorly-kept booty >_>

probably gonna have PPE equipment on…


This has got to be the stupidest bait I’ve ever seen, eh. Your shards would be so underpopulated, you’d be playing solo. It’s ironic because Canadians like to pretend they’re so polite and always apologize. But realistically a good amount of them are like you: angry, short, man-children.

meh the 51st american state isnt really a problem other than the fact they kicked my ancestors out and stole our land…( french acadian /Creole)

Take off eh, you hoser.

Bonus points for reference.

Bob and Doug Mckenzie - Great White North

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Bloody love that movie.

Got introd to it by my canuckian ex husband.

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Rather them separate oce and put aus with eu, would be a more logical decision when lag and communication are an issue.

Eh, i don’t think it matters. Plus, YOU"RE FIRED !

we get to see all the Canadians butthurt and trying to justify by saying “orange man bad” and “we have free healthcare because being an adult and paying for insurance is hard [oh btw my mom that’s in Canada waited 2 months now for an appt to find out she has a brain tumor, nice health care system xd]” when their country is basically a third world and their prime minister ordered a false flag attack to take away firearms that dont impact the crime statistics.


Instructions unclear, managed to split boulder in two with forehead.

saw the post and assuming you either got mass flagged or deleted your comment ahead of time in case if people mass report. waiting for the part where they say they have more freedom in their country when freedom of speech isn’t even protected. kinda crazy for a country that didnt become fully “independent” til 1982

This is one hell of a joke.

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If Playing Deathroad To Canada has taught me one thing it’s that if the Zombie Apocalypse ever happens i should head to Canada at Warp Speed because they have powerful robots to deal with Zombies. :grin:

If Canadians got their own server I would be first to pretend to be Canadian and sign up. So I would support this but for very different reasons than the OP.

your kidding right? we just had a group violate section 8 of the US constitution and then cry when they found out they have federal charges waiting after the state is done with them…

While I don’t care for him, you fell for fake news. If you were to watch the whole clip he actually tells people not to injest/inject disinfectant.

No, he didn’t say it directly I agree. How ever he knew very well the way the world is acting around this pandemic. If he didn’t he was just stupid for that as well. I mean look at the people that died from trying to use aquarium versions of the drug he was saying that doctors should test. IF he couldn’t connect the dots this is telling his followers to go eat disinfectant… because that is what they would do. Then he’s just dumb. At a position of power like that you need to be more mindful of what you say.

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Never told anyone to eat it, said Doctors should look into disinfectant and ultraviolet light as a way to kill the virus

Canadians are terrifying. They keep trying to stick their French fries in me.