There is no such thing as a Canadian President, we have a Prime Minister.
Well, not currently.
Its k.
Canadians act like putting cheese, potatoes and gravy together was the innovation of the millennium or something.
What are you talkin’ aboot?
I dunno maybe he’s trying to cleanse the US gene pool by seeing how many people are dumb enough to listen to him?
How is this thread still up?
I’m not Canadian, I am from Pittsburgh. And we still put cheese, potatoes and gravy on everything.
Eh… Eh? Meh.
Eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh sorry eh .
I’m not Canadian and I love hockey. I’d love it even more if we could still watch it
I’ll take “eh” over nonstop “ok boomer” any day.
Okay boomer.
I know that, that’s why I assumed the OP was a joke.
Cringe thread
I use eh all the time and love hockey. Though I grew up a couple miles away from Canada…
And what lovely milk bags they have too
Blizz why isnt this removed but mine is?
We bleed maple syrup
would totally play on this server
please magical canadia peoples invite meeee
I learned great troll bait from cricket as an American in an Aussie based eve Corp.
If Australia lost the ashes to Britain and some Aussie irked me I ‘d trigger them about that in chat. One dude got spun up fast one night.
He had nothing on me. Tried to talk crap about baseball. I care nothing for baseball. I at the time followed world rally.