He didn’t need to. Just floating the suggestion that it should be looked into on public platform like that. Was enough to get people to think about doing it. That is all it takes when your a person in power. Honestly stop and think for a moment anyways. Why would he need to make that suggestion on live TV. Where people who are desperate are listening. People so desperate they have been killing themselves with alcohol poisoning and the aquarium version of anti-malarial drugs he told people to look into taking before. You would have to be really dense to not be able to forsee the potential consequences of that. Of words he literally didn’t even need to say on public tv. It contributed nothing other then giving people bad ideas.
People have bad ideas on their own, trying to contribute it to someone making a statement to a reporter when asked a question is hilarious. Trump isn’t the one who allowed the use of the Malaria drug in the first place. Your hate is clouding your mind with misinformation.
He didn’t allow it. But it was allowed due to his pressure on it. Plus people was doing it long before it was allowed simply because of his power of suggestion. You are right people can have bad ideas on their own. But people in power shouldn’t say stupid things on live tv to add to that problem.
Anyways thats enough politics for me for the day. Agree/Disagree w/e.
In the end Darwin always wins
There’s already one, it’s called Zul’jin.
We have maple blood.
So what’s this allaboot?
am I doing this right?
except they aren’t, Kelowna BC had 35 new cases because of air travel and 20-30yr olds out playing on Canada day, we also see a lot of US licence plates travelling the Alaska Highway its ridiculous …stay the F home
Canadian servers are a great idea. I’m sure the Americans are trying to find a way to transmit COVID through the intertubes, and I’d rather be isolated from that.
Only problem I see is that Covid is cheaper for them here …like 70 cents on the dollar or some crap