It’s more then just language it’s cultural issues too. Certain behaviors are deemed acceptable in specific groups which is considered extremely rude in others. Making the entire experience a rather unenjoyable one.
Uh, okay. I haven’t seen this to speak on it.
Communication has demonstrated the ability to solve the mass majority of problems, and in cases where it doesn’t, it is because the individual chooses not to understand, or care to find a solution to the problem at hand.
When it comes to a video game? Communication is literally the solution, and arguing there is a cultural barrier there is simply insisting on creating a problem that never existed.
Little point teaching someone another language if they never use it. I had Spanish as a necessary language, but I am from a spanish speaking family so I was already competent in more than one language. Everyone else just did the bare minimum to pass then never did anything with it.
Did you do anything with the Spanish? Translators can make bank.
Like we have all sorts of translators at the State, many with masters degrees or phds, that get a lot of money to just sit on phone lines and translate DMV and Unemployment claims back and forth.
So US people like posters dont have enough of aiming at black people , now they attack the north (canada) ? Hopefully this kind of post gets a long deserved ban .
I don’t think I’d even want to play on a Quebecer-only server despite being one and French being my first language. English is much easier to use.
I work in medical so I get paid extra for it.
Have you seen those flapping heads? Of course they’re aliens.
Um. Ok. Yeah, I got nothing.
the sad thing is… i’m not 100% sure which is which…
Looking at your achievements I can wager you have been around for awhile now so I will use an example you likely encountered several times in the past before WoW finally put in the tools to make it stop. Once upon a time in a World of Warcraft far away there was a group of people that would always roll need on everything even though the general good etiquette for most regions was to roll greed. When confronted this group would shout nasty things and make the run rather unenjoyable. Sound familiar?
Now as I said in situation where these type of barriers arise a tool should be made or the groups should be seperated. Personal loot fixed the entire issue. Yay!
I get so jealous of people that are fluent in multiple languages. It’s like a super power. Spent many holidays listening to parts of my family speak Italian, but my dad forgot it while his brother didn’t, so my family can’t speak (except my brother that lived in Italy for a couple years) while my four cousins are either fluent or can understand it but not speak it as well.
If you immerse yourself in it, it forces you to learn. Ask them to speak only Italian, it will really help with learning.
Pffffft. I’m jelly of people fluent in just one. Language sucks. Thankfully i’m good enough at it to at least be able to communicate to the level of being understood.
I mean I do got an excuse sort of. School was rough, bullies freaking sucked. Figured life would be easier if I just dropped out. Boy do I regret that choice.
I’m sure that happened with me (it’s been 14 years), but I guess I don’t recall an instance where it was specifically a foreign language speaker that caused such an issue. We used to get grouped a lot with Brazilian players, but it was a widespread problem with people Needing over Greeding.
I imagine, since I often ran with guildies, foreign language or not, anyone that Needed on an offspec probably got votekicked.
I understand the sentiment. But they can convert.
Well eventually that just became the trend when running with that group. You couldn’t get them to adapt so everyone adapted to them and literally everyone was just rolling need for everything. This came to a head during WoTLK. I don’t think any time period for that sort of behavior was worse. But yeah the other option was just running with you guild. Pugging though was ugly.
Or maybe that was just the experience I had. It seemed to be more then just me though cause I seen people complain about it all the time.
You gotta remember LFD was new in Wotlk. It didn’t even release till near the end of the xpac. The rules were basically being formed at that time, so it was kind of the Wild West for a while. I didn’t really get involved with pugging through the group feature till Cata.
idk. I just remember my several negative experiences. One comes to mind rather vividly which made me pretty disgusted for a long time. I had finally got fed up with it and asked this person why on earth do they insist on needing on everything. Their response was “Because I’m not a greedy American” The server was Ragnaros and I just pretty much left every Ragnaros group ever sense.
don’t quite remember which expansion that happened though. I think MoP.
MoP sounds about right, cause I think they introduced CRZ in Cata? And I think it was the expansion after that.
Eh, big deal. There are many Canadians who are better AND nicer players than many of us “red-blooded” Americans.