Can Blizzard come clean with us about 9.1 please?

  1. December 2. January 3. February 4. March 5. April Technically 4 1/2 months…

Blizzard has noted your feedback and has developed stealth cloaking technology like The hollow man

There are a lot of things, different departments, many ppl that are in play prepping for content release. I would imagine it’s not a matter of some lone dude being ready for the ptr.


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Failure of service comes when you can’t play the game. Nowhere anywhere does it guarantee updates at specific times, or even communication with the playerbase. There is only 1 thing they listen to, and that is money. This is the way this business is run now. I would suggest anyone not pleased act accordingly. This new thread on the same subject will not sway the devs to communicate unplanned.

My comment pertained to their wanting a “reason”. Some moron replying in a conversation they can’t seem to keep up with…

Less guilds have killed mythic Sire than mythic Kiljaeden.

Guess they all just are “trash”

Also more guilds have done early bosses in mythic CN than Mythic ToS so it’s not a lack of guilds trying.

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4 months - 2 weeks - 4 days is pretty close to 5 months.

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Still don’t see why you find it shocking that people want a reason as to why content is delayed.

You think WoW is a charity?


Yet alot shorter than 7-8, which is when we will see this patch - if we are lucky and PTR doesn’t have issues.

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Wow dude. Your inability to follow a conversation is just painful. Let me slow this down to a crawl so you can hopefully keep up…

Op said just tell them a reason even if they just blamed it on covid.

I said if the reason doesnt even have to be real why not assume your own answer.

I never said they should/shouldn’t give a reason.

What does this even mean? I assume you are alluding to the fact that we pay subs. If so, that’s just hysterical that you think a monthly sub earns you the right to demand answers and timelines like you’re on the board or something.

Hyperbole much? PTR in less than 2 weeks and patch will probably hit 7 months after the expansion. That’s normal, not delayed. BfA had an unusually fast patch cycle.

If the game is still running, it’s not a failure of the service. Calm down.

Last expansion, there were between about 1,000 (for G’huun & Azshara) and 1,600 (Jaina, N’zoth) Cutting Edge raid guilds. That number is pretty consistent over the past few expansions.

There are currently 622 guilds worldwide that have killed Mythic Denathrius. That’s a very low number.

Of the 2,522 guilds that have killed Mythic Sludgefist, half of those are currently working on Stone Legion. Of the 1,283 guilds that have killed Stone Legion, half of them are still working on Denathrius.

This raid tier is FAR from over.

Also, don’t forget that they cut the drop rate on gear in half so it would take guilds twice as long to gear up. Blizzard was planning for a long tier from the beginning, this isn’t because of covid.


The removal of wf/ tf had a large impact too. 3 chesting and fishing for leggos/ tfs made en significantly easier.

I still have too much I want to do with the current patch…plus they already told us that 9.1 will be on the PTR in less than 2 weeks now.

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Im not a Dr. but I dont think bad ideas are a side effect of covid

So much this. So, so, so much this. And I haven’t even started on alts, yet.



Dude, sorry to brag but I have gotten so lucky with my baby Guardian it’s actually insane. Ven’ari sockets/conduit upgrades being account wide as well :weary:

Alt gearing has been pretty fast overall.

They are delaying patch 9.1 in remembrance of George Floyd