Can Blizzard come clean with us about 9.1 please?

Most us are pretty tolerant and understanding, but there does come a point where failure of service is a real issue, I think you are going to have to communicate with us sooner or later.

Could you please just level with the community, even it means just blaming everything regarding the 9.1 delay on covid and be done with it.


I don’t mind. Gives me more time to catch up on old content achievements and play other games.


By which time all my wow friends will be gone, not coming back.


Blizzard never comes clean so why would they start now?


They literally just told us when it’ll be on the PTR. What exactly are you asking for??


A better expansion!

More engaging content!

Something that is better than what we got!


Then why is that no longer showing on the general forum at the top of the list?


Their recent history of a 4 month opening tier definitely doesn’t work with how long and hard CN is compared to Uldir and EN.

I’m still not sure why players want to rush the patches so we can get a year+ of nothing like Wrath and MoP and WoD instead of being logical with 6 month raid tiers.

BFA and Legion had 5.5-6 month raid tiers for their mid-tiers.

The 4 month opening tier was the odd one, and that directly correlates to the end of expansion droughts (although both Legion and BFA were decent with shorter droughts, extending the opening tier could make it more even).


Are you OP?

Does it matter? Don’t be lazy.


I already cleared that raid on normal.

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How can any of us know whether or not something we’ve never been given a schedule for has been delayed?


The start of expansions are only meant to be short before the first big patch not eight months.


… what delay?

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Still wondering how this comment is relevant, nor did you answer my question. What are you asking for?



Take a break if you’ve done all you want at this time.

A lot of people are still progressing.

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uhhh, are we on the same forums?


It’s a delay by any measure, because the start of an expansion isn’t meant to go like this, it’s meant to be quick, it’s been that way for at least four expansions in a row.

Like I don’t recall waiting that long in MOP after Mogushan Vault for Heart of Fear to come out at all. Same with Highmaul and Blackrock Foundry.

Then with Emerald Nightmare, didn’t take long for Nighthold.

I barely even remember the Ghuun raid from BFA, as to me that was just a filler raid while waiting for the real deal which was the Siege of Zandalar raid.

It came 5 months after the expansion launched.

Your opinion is noted.

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Well do you know where we are now?

5 months. and not even out on ptr yet.

Besides, in Legion there was a lot more to do…I never even finished half the crap by the time Nighthold came out.


Isn’t it coming this week or next?