Can Blizzard come clean with us about 9.1 please?

you do get an achievement for it… if you’ve competed a campaign.

it’s the 3rd one beneath “Into The Maw”.

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Bruh, exhibit A is the forums loosing their [expletive] minds after the annual April Fool’s Patch notes like Ion had personally halted all work on the game for months in order to facilitate those jokes.



If you say a single unironically positive thing about Shadowlands on this forum you’re basically General Discussion’s equivalent of a War Criminal and will get utterly ripped apart for expressing such an opinion no matter how correct it may be.

I’d hardly call this place “tolerant and understanding.”


Oh ya, I absolutely know why they do it. Sadly, there is just little benefit to actually having a conversation with many in this community.
But that’s not a reason not to at least communicate one way, which they also are not doing because they don’t want to put themselves in a situation where they might end up regretting saying something.

A cowardly approach, but it is what is best for business obviously.


Covid is gone? I think not. In fact, it is on the rise again in the U.S.

“We’re doing our weekly update to inform you that they’re are no new updates at this time” never works well from what I’ve seen.

Does Ion or the other devs have pets? They could talk about those. Much better use of everyone’s time.

When they get concrete dates, information etc, they’ve always made a news update, video, whatever… telling people they are delayed or having issues due to Covid won’t fix anything for me at least.

The covid reason is a gimme also.

Yeah, this is very true. Telling us the reasons wont make the next patch come out any faster. If you have nothing to do, then its time to unsub until they release the next raid. It may suck looking for something fun in the mean time, but its the only way to let blizzard know you got bored with the content.

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9.1 is supposedly going to be hitting the PTR soon. So why would they give reason for a delay? It’s seemingly coming out sooner, than most had predicted. Whether that is a good thing or not, remains to be seen.

8.3 lasting nearly a year kind burned me out on that.

If 9.1 is in August that will be nearly 20 months where the only content we got was an expansion we had to pay extra for.

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Um really? 5 months into a teir most people are usually done. A lot of guilds are disbanding until 9.1 because they’ve already done their farming clears for this said teir.

So you’re saying everyone should just wait for longer patches because some people want to still progress through a raid? Also if CN is that hard it should just be nerfed shouldn’t it? No raid should take more than 3-4 months to progress through regardless of the teir.


Non-first tiers are 5.5-6 months. That is considered normal.

Only 600 guilds have cleared mythic.

That’s less than Tomb of Sargerus.

It’s been nerfed, and will probably be nerfed more.

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If that’s the case just tell yourself that’s why and move on with your life. These threads are beyond ridiculous

Because for the money this game costs it should have a lot more content. WoW is the most expensive MMO and has the least amount of content. People are tired of it especially after BFA


Your math is wacky.

4 months - 2 weeks , it was released in Jan 15 or thereabout.

In this expansion we released on Nov 23rd.

We are at that same point in less than 2 weeks and this just hit PTR. It is still 2 months to release if everything goes well.

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Funny how your reply is ridiculous as well. Someone wants more content to be released faster? Shocker.

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Yeah if you’re still “progressing” at this point you might as well quit WoW since you suck at the game.

CN has been nerfed so may times if you raid mythic and have yet to kill Sure just quit your guild now and find a real one.

This is assuming you killed Sire Denathrius on Mythic on the day it released?

yeah that will be the day when bliz takes responsibility

blizzard does need to be more transparent.

I understand you can’t reveal everything and we aren’t asking you to. Just tell us stuff on a regular basis. Tell us how development is going. Tell us your thoughts on approaching problems the playerbase has and problems the dev team has identified.

We can give feedback to help you with those issues. Right now it makes it look like “We know best. Sit down pleb and let us work.” That is the vibe the whole of blizzard gives off and has been for years now.