Can Bliz at least make the TCG mounts from Twitch drops tradable?

TL/DR: Change the Twitch drops for the TCG mounts to be the actual Reins instead of an item directly tied to our collection. So those who didn’t like the mount and wanna give to a friend or sell it on the AH. It’s a much better approach then how they’re handling.

Thanks for reading!

I get it. I not an special snowflake anymore for having those old mounts that I’ve bought on the AH almost ten years ago. And that’s fine.

But it feels unbelievable bad to not have at least one single compensation for those drops if I already have then. I would love to have at least the Reins itself to trade with a friend or to sell on the AH for some gold as it would certainly would be much less expensive.

Make then BoE loot for those who ALREADY have the mount. Or anything else really. It wouldn’t hurt anyone who don’t have the mounts already and at least would give an opportunity for those who lost the drops.

Well. That’s just my 2 cents.

What’s the problem? Like seriously? I’m not asking anything terrible and I don’t care about people having the mount. I just asking for at least an prize that I can actually use for something for those drops since I already have it.

Otherwise, just make every mount obtainable then, if we’re going to that route, just bring back removed mounts to the game. I lost the AH mount and I always want it, but I wasn’t playing enough at that time to farm enough gold to buy it. I wasn’t expecting Bliz to just remove it for no reason. But since we’re going to that route, then just make every other rare mount obtainable at realistic ways ingame.

Like seriously, what’s the deal about people being so harsh about asking something like this? Bliz makes a LOT of mounts FOMO with AOTC or just remove some of then for no reason. If we’re going that route, then at least bring back removed mounts and let then stay on the game for those who care. They’re cosmetics after all and the only appeal to then is their rarity and unique appearance.

How people here would feel if Bliz just gave the AH mount on those drops? I’m SURE there will be an outrage in this forums. But it seems that bringing TCG is “ok” just because they’re even more rare and expensive? That’s some mental gymnastics going on.

TL/DR. It’s fine to bring rare mounts to the game somehow. Altough I think that AFKING 4 hours for a Twitch streamer is the stupidest thing ever. I’d rather see then in the Trading Post TBH, so I can save my points and spend in another thing, like I did with the spectral wind rider that I already had.

But it ISN’T fine the way they’re handling, they should give the Reins itself. So those who choose to sell will sell and those who choose to use it, will use it.

Isn’t that hard, the rage here that some people have for collectors who earned the mounts years ago is sickening.

All of these “Where’s my compensation” comments are why we don’t have cool things.




What type of “compensation” would be to have the Reins for a mount that everyone can earn for free? I would have it just to gave to a friend or sell it for even 1k gold. Better then absolutely nothing and wouldn’t hurt the other 99% of players who didn’t have the mount anyway.

Seems like people are just envy af for those who earned those mounts back then for some reason, and it’s just pathetic.

I live in Brazil, where the TCG game wasn’t even released. Also, the official servers launched here just on Cataclysm expansion, where I started playing, I bough all my TCGs using ingame gold before something like the gold token was added. I don’t have money to “spend” on those things. People here seems to think that everyone who had TCGs was just a whale and this just isn’t true.

Now. Yea, they’re OLD. But the An Qiraji mount is old to and I’m not seeing any opportunity for collectors to get it, specially those who hadn’t access to the game in the first few years.

But yea, just f… everyone who already have then because I doesn’t. What a lovely community.

They’ve given away mounts in the traders post that I have.

I’m not asking for anything. There’s nothing wrong with asking. But there is a little weirdness to this I should be compensated mentality. Why?

Same. But at least I save coins on the Trading Post to buy other things since I already have the mount.

The drops on the other hand, gives absolutely NOTHING for those who already have the mount, not even an usable reins to sell or anything. That’s the problem here.

But it seems that people are extremely obnoxious about this topic for some reason. Life must be really miserable for some people here.

I mean that’s just part of life. Things go on sale in the real world that i have already purchased. I understand your disappointment. Nor would I care if they did but you’re asking. But they haven’t shown any inclination to do stuff like that

There have been drops that I already have. Know what I did? Congratulate those that didn’t have it and now do, and move on. I don’t sit and boil in my own juices about not getting a special drop for that month.

It has happened once a month for a whole year. There was a drop for something you already have. Big deal.

Stop whining.

I’m gonna enjoy my camel later tonight

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I must be missing where the OP is “boiling” or “whining.”

All I saw was, “I have this, here’s an idea for those of us who do so we can give them to someone else.”

Who piddled in everyone’s Cheerios this morning to come down on the OP so hard?

Or did y’all just not read?

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Agenda > reading

Apparently. lol

I agree, and as I stated, it’s fine to bring then somehow. I just despise how they’re handling. But mounts are very different because once used, we can’t just sell then, or “speculate” their value. I honestly don’t care about things being stupid rare.

But seein how harsh the community is towards this for some reason, I guess this is just how it goes. As I said, what a lovely community.

I’m not “whining”.

Thanks for actually reading and being reasonable about. I just asking for the drops to give the Reins, not the item directly tied to the collection. So at least people can choose to sell or use it.

This is good even for those who don’t have the mount, as they might dislike the mount but at least can sell it or give to a friend who missed the drop.

I don’t see this as unreasonable.

And honestly, since it’s GD, this would have been a better approach in your OP: it’s shorter so dumb trolls read and it’s less personal opinion and more idea.

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I just don’t believe anything means anything in WoW anymore (isn’t that like a triple negative??..anyway)
I’m just waiting until the Barons mount is available on the cash shop…

I don’t have many things that are special in wow but during the third week after launch I fought a Two headed wandering boss in the Arathi Highlands…it was a very long battle I almost died twice but it dropped Demon Slayer…I still use it as a Transmog till this day.

They shouldn’t cheapen things is all I’m saying.


I agree. But things change and the overall community changed aswell, but there are still really nice people out there. Let me share some story.

I was lucky enough to win a roll for the Blazing Drake mount back on the first raid I ever played. Anyone can just go there and grind to death for that 1% drop and it isn’t nothing “special”. But the memory of earning it while I was learning how to raid in a closed group and how lucky I was is much more important then the mount itself.

Yesterday I played the M+ for the Dawn of Infinite. I wasn’t playing the last months and I’ve had no idea that it dropped a mount. So again, I got lucky. Then I tried to use it but it didn’t work. After reading something on WoWhead, it I’ve assumed it would give me a mount that I already had so it would be useless for me. I then asked for a roll for someone else have it. And so I give it to him.

After investigating, the player who won the roll explained that it couldn’t be used inside the M+, and I’ve should use it outside. He was really excited about the mount, but still returned it back to me so I can use it. I won a lovely Infinite Timereaver that I was trying to get for years. Honestly, the fact that player didn’t just ninjae’d the whole thing and blocked me because of my lack of information is much more meaningful and important then the mount itself. Now that mount has a really cool story behind it, despite of being rare or not.

I would love to give him something. If the TCG mount was an item, I would be able to gift him for him to sell or something for example.

In the end, they’re all pixels. But they might carry an nice story behind it.

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It would be nice if the people that already owned every mount they have given away in both the Twitch and Amazon promotions could participate in them.

One way would be to give us a BoE version of the pet or mount.


That’s exactly what I’m asking. Pets can be caged for the most part, but mounts on the other hand…

I personally think it would be better if the mounts was BoE just for those who already had then, because it would avoid people exploiting the drops using dozens of accounts. But I wouldn’t mind make then BoE for everyone.

At least we can give then for someone who missed the drop. AFAIK, Trading Post drops will always come back, but who knows about those drops.

This suggestion seems fair. I don’t know why people have a problem with it

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Because the community seems to have collectively decided to be all like “gimme gimme gimme” when it comes to TCG mounts, and if the people that already own them say anything, they should be ridiculed as much as possible.

I have every single TCG mount/pet and i haven’t once made any kind of thread offering up any alternative suggestions (like giving people who already own the Twitch drop giveaway mounts a BOE version in the mail) because there’s no point, people are just going to attack and claim that you’re gatekeeping or you’re just upset because you wasted $5000 on a TCG card from Ebay or some other nonsense.

The reality is that i grinded and saved my butt off for many years to slowly buy all of my TCG mounts from the AH over the years, not a single mount or pet was a credit card purchase. Also, i don’t want to keep them away from anyone else either, in fact i have always advocated for their return so other people could get their hands on them.

I will admit that i dislike the Twitch drops though, they don’t add anything to the game, it isn’t an activity that we participate in or work our way towards, it’s simply a corporate deal where we are the currency, Blizzard is essentially selling us (our data) and we’re going over to Twitch and happily handing over our info, minimizing a stupid stream so it can artificially inflate WoW’s popularity and both sides are happy.