Can Bliz at least make the TCG mounts from Twitch drops tradable?

You answered it all.

Apparently, “fair” isn’t good enough.

I fully agree with your suggestion, but then again (I play in eu) I’m also one of those who, like virus, bought all of these with gold I farmed myself in game, so obviously I don’t like getting nothing at all while the rarity of something I got years ago gets diminished by a cheap way to bring these back.

With the boe idea, (which I also thought about and suggested to blizzard, but they did nothing ofc) we could get a few millions per mount in compensation, although it could take a while to sell them, in the end if you have hundreds of millions that’s a small consolation, but it’s something, and in some cases (like if you bought them early on in wod) you might actually end up making more by selling one now than back then.

I was thinking that the twitch drop\amazon prime way to bring them back was also very bad, it’s not engaging, and these mounts generally costed “a lot” of gold, which varied massively depending on when you went for them, which region and realm you were playing and also if you bought them in an overpriced\normal\underpriced day for your realm, but it was still a very significant amount of gold that not many people had, even back in wod.

Therefore, since we can all admit they were becoming scarcer and scarcer in supply and for someone starting in 2022 for example some would be close to unobtainable, cause prices were through the roof, IRL and in game, a fairer way to bring them back imo would’ve also been gold related: they could’ve added them all to the BMAH database, since we already have plenty of raid mounts in there, so I don’t think 14 extra mounts would’ve been a big problem, and as you can see with the rocket and rhino, that would’ve kept supply decent and prices a bit more reasonable.

Alternatively, and this was suggested by a friend of mine who’s also a collector but had missed out on almost all tcg, they could’ve simply made a vendor that sold all tcg mounts for a few mill each, depending on the mount could’ve been more or less expensive: this would’ve made people feel less hopeless in terms of getting all of them, you’d know that sooner or later you’d get x amount of gold and get them, instead of praying one showed up on your realm or dealing with multi gold cap trades.

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Sry for the long post, but I really want to further discuss this…

It feels unbelievable bad. Again, I’m all in for alternatives ways for TCG itens, but we can CERTAINLY do better then this…

The only way this would work is if Blizzard gives the Reins ONLY for those who already have the mount on their account. Giving the BoE Reins for everyone will just make the system be abusable beyond repair by bots that will just create hundreds of accounts to stockpile the Reins. And I guess there’s some challenges in coding to give the Reins for accounts that already have the mount on the collection.

Yep, it sucks, it sucks hard but most players don’t “care” about a fair game as long as they get shiny things for “free”. The damage is already done and TCGs will never be the same thing again. But as long as everyone gets something I think everyone can have at least some “fun”. Those drops SUCK, period. Mute + Alt+Tab for 4 hours is stupid, and I know we live in an era of game as a service, metrics, investors, Twitch hours and so on, but I’m sure there are people incredible talented on Blizzard and I refuse to believe this is the best “solution” for this.

I personally dislike the BAH solution ever since WoW Tokens was created. In fact, I lose any joy for gold farming that I used to have ever since they created this system. For me, the “fun” in having an virtual currency is just that, something untied with any connection with the real world. And yes, although gold black market always existed, Blizzard used to punish hard bots and gold sellers, so the gold economy in the game always felt “healthy” back then. That’s why I farmed everything legit, cause it was fun playing a fair game.

Ever since Activision bought Bliz it went downhill, and the WoW Token was just the nail on the coffing. Gold has a meme status now and barely represents anything gameplay wise.

I also dislike the fact that BAH sell “unobtainable” itens like the Caravan Brutosaur, Swift Zulian Tiger and so on. BAH should be there for gambling and to sell rare drops that ARE obtainable in the game. It must stand as a gold sink for whales that are lazy to play the game.

This isn’t bad either, but it still feels cheap af, it also further promotes the problems we have with whales and so on. Whales will always exist and have the “edge” about obtaining things. But just giving every one of then like this will just ensure that those people just buy every one of then and there aren’t really any “fair game” with other players.

On the other hand, I f… hate FOMO, but I guess there’s better ways to do FOMO content, like the Trading Post for example.

TCGs is already beyond that, but they’re technically “still” obtainable. So again, bringing then to the game is a GOOD idea, but not the way they’re doing. The lack of transparency from Blizzard plans hurts a lot, we don’t know if those drops will stop or continue, we don’t know if drops that already happened will eventually happen again, we don’t know jacks**t. So it’s almost impossible to give proper feedback, but I might have an idea that feels fair and engaging for everyone…

Now. Expanding on your suggestions, here’s my new possible solution:

-Add those drops and future ones to the Trading Post instead. It changes every month, but will eventually be back like every other Trading Post item. They’ll sell for another type of currency compared to the usual Trading Post Currency. Might be a new vendor or just special loot using the new currency.

-Create an extra NPC on the Trading Post that sells “Drop Tokens” that gives you “Drop Currency”, they may vary in quality and price, the price for those in gold may be high of course and can be an good opportunity for an new gold sink.

-You can buy ONLY ONE of then each month, Epic tokens and Rare Tokens might be extra expensive compared to the Common one, and may only appeal for those who really want the edge for loot every month.

-This “Token” is usable, unique and BoP. So it ensures you can’t stockpile then either.

-Once used. It gives you an special type of currency. Epic ones give you the amount needed for a Mount, Blue ones for a Pet and green ones for a Toy. They could just make the Epic ones give you 1000 of that currency, Blue ones 500 and green ones 250 for example. It also caps to something like 2000 or 3000~ in total, so again, you can’t stockpile indefinitely.

-Give people an Token on Twitch drops instead of the mounts/pets/toys.
Now, with this system in place:

-People who missed the drops will have the opportunity in the future for acquiring the mounts with gold if Blizz suddenly stop with those drops. Or may get old itens when they came back using the currency already acquired in future drops.

-People who participate in the drops will have some a good amount currency that month to buy whatever loot that Bliz put on the loot table that month. They may add one different mount, two pets and four toys every month for example. So maybe you don’t care about the mounts, but you want every rare TCG toy or whatever Bliz may put in there. Now you can at least choose or hold the currency for the next month. You may feel the urge to spend if you’re getting close to the cap or just hold indefinitely to ensure you have currency for that “special” drop you’re looking for in the future.

-People who already have some TCG mounts/pets/itens that may show there will have the edge for acquiring new loots since they’ll have the extra currency to spend somewhere else.

-Goblins and whales will be happy buying a Token each month to ensure they have the edge about collecting stuff if they care, but everyone will eventually catch up and they can’t just “stockpile” the currency or the tokens, so they will need to spend or just don’t buy anyway since they may have everything already.

Since the loots will be behind a monthly loot table, the loots will still be somewhat rare and special, but not unobtainable. Goblins/Whales and people who already have the TCGs will also don’t have an unfair advantage compared to those who don’t. If Bliz continue the trend about Twitch Drops. Everyone will eventually catch up, and if they stop. Everyone has the opportunity to buy the tokens with gold instead, one time each month, without unfair competition like the BAH. Since you can’t stockpile neither the tokens OR the currency, you don’t have the urge to grind like crazy. But you do have some incentive to buy at least the cheaper Common Token each month.

Everyone wins!

It matches the flavor of the Trading Post, and it’s MUCH more engaging then the current Twitch Drops, Amazon Prime and so on. I personally think the Trading Post is an incredible fair and engaging system that should be expanded.

I may be missing something here, but this rather “simple” system may be more fair to everyone and MUCH, MUCH more fun.

Yes, it’s not a bad idea, and I agree, trading post is a BIT better than the twitch drops or amazon prime, for example if you take the spectral tiger cub, which so far has been the only tcg pet in the trading post, people have the choice on paying either 250-500k (varies a lot depending on realm\region) gold or 750 tenders or however many that was, it seems like a fair choice since there’s people capable to make more than that gold in a month, whereas tenders are very limited and I think you can only make 900 per month atm, 500 just for logging and 400 for filling the bar.

Obviously for tcg mounts I’d like to see the value reflected in the currency if the trading post were used, so several thousands tenders, then it’d probably give people the idea of the effort that went into these mounts if they actually have to sacrifice several tenders’ worth for that, and I’m not exagerating value wise, cause in eu if you take for example the red rocket, the 2nd least expensive tcg mount that can be traded (3rd if you also count the turtle, which is bop, the 2nd being the rhino), you still have a hard time finding it for less than 2,5 mil in any realm in eu AH, so at a bare minumum it’d have to be 3-4k tenders, let alone the really big mounts.

I see why you don’t like wow tokens, I don’t either, I for example never bought a wow token for money since they’ve been introduced 8,5 years ago, I occasionally bought some with gold for game time or for some particular mounts like tyrael, and you’re right, they cheapen the effort some of us put into gold making, cause if some rich person decides to spend 10.000 euro or dollars worth of tokens, they will become one of the richest players in the world with no effort.

On top of that, when I was farming tcgs, in eu in 2015, they caused the prices to skyrocket too, I had got some like mottled drake or savage raptor for as little as 190 and 150k early on that year, then tokens came in april and already late 2015 they were almost 1 million each, so they also made that farming harder for players who didn’t buy gold, and in the us this skyrocketing effect came about 1-1,5 years after eu, as I believe there were more cards there.

In the end though, even if we make reasonable suggestions, the problem is tcg mounts were owned by 1% of people in the case of popular ones like roosters and tigers, 0,5% for most of those mounts, and 0,15-0,25% for the ones of which there were very few around like camel, shorestrider and blue rocket, so the people who care about the rarity and effort that went into these mounts will always be the minority; sometimes blizzard does stuff for the minority, like increasing the account cap of 50 characters to 60 or increasing the gold cap from 1 to 10 mil, but probably not early enough for it to matter in this case since there’s not many tcgs left to give away and they do that often: if we have to take seriously the fact they don’t want to give away tigers and roosters and we consider the turtle can already be fished, that would leave 8 mounts left they can give away; I don’t think they’d refrain from giving away the red rocket or rhino, considering they already gave plenty of toys or pets that can be found in BMAH.

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