Can’t help anyone with low level dungeons

Then you should have no issue providing proof, as it stand the ability is working as intended. Usually when people have proof they aren’t scared to provide it.


Is it really that far fetched? Shareholders don’t care about the game, the devs, the companys intigrity. They only want the $$$.

Whatever you wanna believe man, I could give two solitary :poop:s if some random on forum thinks a bugged ability isn’t bugged or not. There’s far better people who explain it on the internet, you can go look 'em up. Or don’t, it’s your loss not mine.

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Doesn’t look that way to me at all.

Make a statement, back it up


I wish I worked at Blizzard tbh, it must be fun fleecing these people out of their money monthly.

Okay, so you do believe it’s conspiracy?

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Not sure I want to respond to you anymore, this is boring.

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Because you don’t want to admit that you think there’s a conspiracy?

Because when you break down the things that you’re saying, you realise you sound as silly as people who say that the ‘US government’ ‘did’ 9/11?


I don’t know… to much politics at Blizzard and to many cut throats work their. You’d just be waiting for someone to toss you under the bus.

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I mean that’s not far off if you follow the paper trail.

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Is it gonna take a whistleblower that would get buried under lawsuits because he signed a NDA for you to believe this is all possible?

Government orchestrated Jan 6th, so… yeah.

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Hold up lemme contact Edward Snowden to break the news so this person can believe Blizzard is profiting off us by ruining the game.

Then cancel your sub like you have claimed to have done in the past(lie).
Or post tangible proof(which you can’t)


I like Dragonflight so i’ll keep the sub, we’re talking about Classic. Keep up, grandpa.

Okay, great. Just glad to know you think the US Government did 9/11 and WoW is a conspiracy of similar proportions.

So you’re still supporting a company who you claim is dealing in shady practices.

All you have are ad hominem and nothing of value.


I never said they were the same lmao.

Calling someone grandpa is an ad hominem?

And that’s to far fetched to be true? Its like you don’t know how corrupt the world is around us.

The math used for XP drops is ridiculous, if you’re over 5 levels xp drops to nil. The non lazy option would have been to use an actual scale and lower xp based on the amount over. That way and 80 could run nexus to help guildies (since we, well, you know… don’t have an RDF…) with not as much lost.

But true to form, Blizz implemented a knee-jerk system with no logical thought process.

But I also agree, it was a nothing problem. Most boosters asked for gold, making this a legit non ToS breaking service. When they sell for RMT, then sure, issue a ban. But what we received is nothing short of lazy.